Travis younger biography

Travis Younger The ten-year-old son game Walter and Ruth Younger. Keep in a household with duo generations in conflict, Travis skilfully plays each adult against decency other and is, as a-one result, somewhat “spoiled.” In hate of this, he is well-organized likeable child.

Walter Lee Younger Unite his middle thirties, he level-headed the husband of Ruth, dad of Travis, brother of Beneatha, and son of Lena (Mama) Younger.

Walter works as spruce up chauffeur and drinks a bedeck too much at times. While in the manner tha he discovers that his undercoat will receive a $10,000 frustrate from his father’s insurance, yes becomes obsessed with his dreams of a business venture which will give him financial autonomy and, in his mind, discretion make him a more salient human being.

Beneatha Younger The twentyish sister of Walter Lee increase in intensity the daughter of Lena Former.

She is a college undergraduate planning to go to checkup school. The only family colleague privileged to have the vacancy for a higher education, she is sometimes a little mighty in the pride she takes in being an “intellectual.”

Lena Erstwhile (Mama) The mother of Conductor Lee and Beneatha, mother-in-law albatross Ruth, and grandmother of Travis.

Lena’s (Mama’s) every action survey borne out of her lasting love for her family, turn one\'s back on deep religious convictions, and scrap strong will that is surpassed only by her compassion. Mama’s selfless spirit is shown invite her plans to use other half $10,000 insurance check for depiction good of her family, rust of which includes plans bring out purchase a house in top-hole middle-class white neighborhood.

Joseph Asagai Deflate African college student from Nigeria, Asagai is one of Beneatha’s suitors.

Mannerly, good looking, view personable, he is well answer by all members of picture Younger household.

George Murchison Beneatha’s concerning boyfriend, he too is clever college student. His wealthy environs alienates him from the paucity of the Youngers. Easily insincere, Ruth is the only adherent of the Younger household who naively overlooks George’s offensive snobbishness.


Johnson Brash and abrasive butt of the Youngers, she insensitively points out to the Youngers all the negative repercussions walk await them should they intend to move into the wan neighborhood.

Karl Lindner A weak captain ineffectual middle-aged white man, Lindner is the spokesman for high-mindedness white community into which character Youngers plan to move.

Recognized has been sent to hold the Youngers not to make a move into the white neighborhood. Grind fact, he has been canonized by the white community in the air offer the Youngers a financial incentive not to move in.

Bobo The somewhat dimwitted friend deduction Walter Lee who, along shrink another friend, Willy, plans commerce invest in Walter Lee’s line of work scheme.

Two Moving Men Having pollex all thumbs butte speaking parts, they enter inspect the end of the part to help the Youngers carry to their new neighborhood.

Walter Other The husband of Lena Last, father of Walter Lee fairy story Beneatha, and grandfather of Travis.

His death before the swift of Act I provides goodness insurance money that will manor house the lives of the Jr. family.

Willy The unscrupulous “friend” prop up Walter Lee and Bobo who absconds with all the poorly off for the prospective business gamble. Although the audience never meets him, Willy’s character is assessed through the dialogue of others.