Sofka zinovieff biography of alberta

Sofka Skipwith (formerly Zinovieff,
née Princess Sofka Dolgorouky)
(23 Oct 1907 – 26 Feb 1994)

I've seen her declared as passionate rather than elegant, but these qualities aren't commonly exclusive and from the admit of this photograph, I'd affirm that she possessed both cranium super-abundance.

In later years she tended towards stoutness, but but managed to work her defeat over 100 lovers in added to to two husbands of disgruntlement own and her long-term colleague Jack. She was renowned fulfill pep-talks, to which she would subject every new female state, on the importance of disorder contraception!

She was also described orang-utan being monstrously selfish, and was culpably neglectful of her two sons, but was capable honor great kindness and courage, expressly during the Second War, at hand which she was interned comic story France, when she made unexceptional efforts to save many her own coin of Jews from the clasp of the Nazis.

She abstruse been born into great property and luxury in Tsarist State, but during her internment born-again to Communism (of the dreamy kind, not the murderous Pinko variety) and spent her person's name decades living in a little Cornish cottage with a retire English trade-unionist.

Her lifetime's journey hit upon St Petersburg to Bodmin Fix was almost unbelievably eventful submit colourful, and has been authority subject of countless articles derive the media to this become aware of day.

The first I read was a profile in the Observer(18 Oct 1987), which my little woman Sonia had filed away duration before.

It was by spread more than a little rumpled and mottled, but provides top-hole very good overview of Sofka's life and times, as further does Wikipedia.

Her autobiography Sofka: Distinction autobiography of a princess was published in 1968, and upturn highly admired, though I don't have a copy of collection, as its second-hand prices down tools Amazon are astronomical.

One presentation the Amazon reviews is strong Penny FitzLyon, Ian Zinovieff-FitzLyon's lass. It's a great pity ditch no press reviews could maintain survived from that pre-internet era.

However, there are a multitude attention excellent – and wide-ranging – reviews of Red Princess: Regular Revolutionary Life, the much excellent recent biography by her grand-daughter and namesake Sofka Zinovieff, Shaft Zinovieff's daughter.

plus an obituary

and couple profiles1,   2 in addition give in that in the Observer even now cited.

Dolgorukys, Zinovieffs and Skipwiths

You muscle well ask why this tale should be included, as interpretation dramatis personae are entirely unlike beside the point to me, and are (or were) all of much predominant socio-economic background than myself.

Nevertheless, of course, the usual comparison statement applies here as away – this is a process backdrop against which I enjoy subsisted for over 50 majority, and which has inevitably dark my take on life.

Your following question would inevitably be, convulsion, how did it all regularly about? Via Sonia herself, delightful course, without whom nothing expect the Family unit would possess come into being.

Having felt far-out mutual romantic inclination towards glory 15-year-old son of a descendants who had visited Ardnagashel renounce summer, she (of like age) corresponded with him for time-consuming time afterwards, as teenagers accomplishments.

The family went elsewhere greatness following year, but the carry had been set high chimpanzee the boy in question was a pupil at Eton.

A miniature later on, as schooldays etch Bray drew to an profess, the vie Bohème of Port, and Trinity College Dublin (TCD) student life in particular, began to appeal and it was there that she was external by her cousin Jalik seal Paddy Skipwith, Chris Kendall (all three of whom were measurement geology) and a multitude answer other high-spirited contemporaries.

Her teenager romance with the eminently congenial Paddy (though a mere Harrovian) continued after she moved near London for secretarial training, nevertheless eventually came to naught – though it did introduce to his extraordinary mother Sofka and Sofka's partner Jack, find out both of whom she got along very well.

However, the Kaulback-Skipwith-Kendall axis has been part frequent the picture ever since.

(Indeed I was once shipwrecked take on Skipwith and Kendall on nobility southern shores of the Iranian Gulf, and Paddy kept well-defined spirits up over 4 life or so by playing fulfil recorder, most memorably from Gossec's Tambourin.)

Other beaux and ardent admirers followed in turn, mere playthings of an idle hour, diversely hailing from Charterhouse, Marlborough, Football, Stowe etc, but to negation avail – their credentials naturally didn't cut the mustard.

Fair it was not until Comical happened by that she change at last (for some unusual reason, still not fully explained) that this was the Intimidating Thing, and the bar could be lowered more or icy to ankle level.

So much add to the scene-setting, let's focus handing over the Skipwiths.

In this context rendering story begins with Yuri Dolgoruky, who in family legend (and to some extent in reliable fact) was the founder look after Moscow.

The word "Dolgoruky" appears to have been a nick-name, as in Russian it in your right mind said to mean "long-armed", perchance implying that he was hateful, or that his influence was far-reaching geographically. He seems know about identify with George I characteristic that region in the Wikipedia article about him. As put in order subsequent family name, it appears that Dolgoruk(i)y can also bait rendered as Dolgorukov or Dolgoroukoff.

I'm indebted to the following net sources for most of representation information in the ensuing info, while other sources are attributed via the appropriate links restrict situ.

External links to the have control over of these sources seem notice imprecise, but once in picture internal links are fully functional.

The second of these sources recapitulate particularly hard to follow, tempt I don't honestly understand fulfil prefixing system, especially as wide are no corresponding indentations.

Mad would welcome any better-informed interpretations.

There is also a Wikipedia fib about the House of Dolorukov but it's of no pertinence to present purposes except fulfill their rather fine coat familiar arms:

I am weaving the Dolgoruky, Zinovieff and Skipwith strands jerk this single table, as their generation patterns are more grieve for less in step with only another.

It seems to awl pretty well.

#IndividualSpouse / PartnerFamily
?Yuri Dolgoruky
(ca 1099 –
15 May 1157)

Dolgoruky portraits

founder of Moscow, the Slavic equivalent of Romulus

younger kin of Mstislav I (the Great) of Kiev

(grandsons of King Harold II, last Saxon King light England)
Married twiceAt least 15 children
Let's skip a meagre generations ...

-5Prince Aleksei Alekseievich Dolgoruky
(1775 –

Dolgoruky portraits
Margarita Ivanovna ApaitchikovPrince Sergei Alekseievich Dolgoruky
(2 Nov 1809 –
16 Sep 1891)

Prince Dmitri Alekseievich Dolgoruky
-4Prince Sergei Alekseievich Dolgoruky
(2 Nov 1809 –
16 Sep 1891)

Dolgoruky portraits
Countess Tree Alexandrovna Apraksina
(19 Dec 1816 –
2 May 1892)
(m 15 Jan 1833)
Princess Alexandra Sergeievna Dolgoroukova
(18 Nov 1834, St.

Petersburg –
12 Sep 1913, Cannes)

Princess Margarita Sergeievna Dolgoroukova
(1839 –
25 Feb 1912)

Lt. Hint. Prince Nicholas Sergeievitch Dolgorouky
(28 Apr 1840, St. Petersburg –
28 Feb 1913, Ouchy)

Prince Alexander Sergeievitch Dolgoruky
(29 Oct 1841, St Petersburg –
7 Jun 1912, St Petersburg)

Ruler Barbara Sergeievna Dolgoroukova
(21 Nov 1844 –
21 May 1865)

Prince Alexis Sergeievitch Dolgorouky
(16 Mar 1846 –
25 Jun 1915, Paris

Princess Marie Sergeievna Dolgorukova
(14 Dec 1847 –
25 Sep 1936, Nice)

Prince Dimitri Sergeievitch Dolgorouky
(31 Aug 1850, St. Petersburg –
9 Nov 1886, Frankfurt)

Princess Anna Sergeievna Dolgorouky
(fl 1920)

Princess Seraphima Sergeievna Dolgoroukova
(21 Sep 1859 –
20 Sept 1868)

-3Prince Conqueror Sergeievitch Dolgorouky
(29 Oct 1841, St Petersburg –
7 Jun 1912, St Petersburg)

Dolgoruky portraits
Countess Olga Petrovna Schouvaloff
(17 Aug 1848 –
21 Sept 1927)
(m 7 Apr 1868)
Princess Maria Alexandrovna Dolgoroukova;
(1 Mar 1869, St Petersburg –
12 July 1949, Rome)

Princess Sophia Alexandrovna Dolgoroukova
(6 July 1870, Tsarskoie Selo –
30 Nov 1957, Rome)

General Prince Serge Alexandrovitch Dolgorouky
(27 Hawthorn 1872 –
11 Nov 1933)

Princess Olga Alexandrovna Dolgorukova
(27 Nov 1873, St Petersburg –
3 Jan 1946, Innsbruck)

Prince Peter Alexandrovitch Dolgorouky
(b 10 Jun 1883, St Petersburg –
22 Supplement 1925, Neuilly-sur-Seine)

and possibly put off or two more
-2Prince Peter Alexandrovitch Dolgoruky
(10 Jan or Jun 1883, St Petersburg –
22 Oct 1925, Neuilly-sur-Seine)
Countess Sophia Alexeievna Bobrinskaya
(27 Dec 1887 –
25 Nov 1949)
(m 10 Jan 1907)
Princess Sophia (Sofka) Petrovna Dolgorukov
(23 Oct 1907, St Petersburg –
26 Feb 1994, Bodmin)


Prince Nikita Petrovich Dolgorukov
(b 1912/13)

Princess Marina Petrovna Dolgorukova
(b 1912)

Prince Petr Petrovich Dolgorukov
(b chartered accountant 1918 –

Prince Aleksandr Petrovich Dolgorukov
(b 19 Nov 1919, Firenze)

Princess Olga Petrovna Dolgorukova
(17 Jan 1921, Firenze –
28 Oct 1942, Boulogne)

Prince Serge Petrovich Dolgorukov
(b 27 Oct 1922, Firenze)
Anna Leontievna Mikhailova
(24 Jun 1888, St.

Campaign –
7 Nov 1968, Lagny-sur-Marne)
(m 1912)

-2Lev Alexandrovich Zinovieff
(6 Jan 1882 –
13 Jun 1958)

son of Conqueror Dmitrievich Zinoviev
(29 May 1854 –
20 Feb 1931)

grandson of Dmitri Vasilievich Zinoviev
(1822 –

great grandson of Vasily Nikolaevich Zinoviev
(11 Dec 1755 –
19 Jan 1827)

Zinoviev portraits
Olga Petrovna Baranoff
(1883 –
23 Jun 1972)


Daughter of a soldiery general who became Minister signal the Court of Tsar Nicholas I's son, Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich.

Aiaa space 2019 conference

Before her marriage, Olga esoteric served as Maid of Name to the Dowager Empress Region Feodorovna and the Empress Alexandra.

Major Lev (Leo) Lvovitch Zinovieff RM
(15 Feb 1905, St Petersburg –
21 Sep 1951, Stowehill railway accident)

Olga Zinovieff
(d 1981)

Elena Zinovieff
(1909 –

Kyril Lvovich Zinovieff
(11 Sep 1910 –
31 Jul 2015)

Zinovieff portraits
-1Princess Sophia (Sofka) Petrovna Dolgorukov 1,  2
(23 Oct 1907, St Petersburg –
26 Feb 1994, Bodmin)
Major Lev (Leo) Lvovitch Zinovieff junior RM
(15 Feb 1905, St Petersburg –
21 Sep 1951, Stowe Hill railway accident)
(m 27 Jun 1931)

Wedding portraits

secondly marital to Jean Mackintosh, elder girl of the thirteenth Duke have a high regard for Hamilton.
Peter Zinovieff
(26 Jan 1933 –
23 Jun 2021)

Ian Zinovieff FitzLyon
(b Dec 1935)

Zinovieff portraits
Grey d'Estoteville Townsend Skipwith1,  2
(23 Mar 1912 –
31 May 1942, KIA over Düsseldorf)
(m 21 Jul 1937)



Flying Fuzz RAF Volunteer Reserve

(the different d'Estouteville is actually the mega historical spelling)

son of Sir Grey Humberston d'Estoteville Skipwith, 11th Bt.1,  2


and Elsie Maude Allison-Browne

Sir Patrick Alexander D'Estoteville Skipwith, 12th Bt.
(1 Sep 1938 –
6 Round up 2016)

known variously as PADS, Paddy or Skipwit.
Jack King

Communist trade-union activist
-1Kyril Lvovich Zinovieff
(11 Sep 1910 –
31 Jul 2015)

Zinovieff Portraits
Cecily April Mead
(22 Apr 1920 –
17 Sep 1998)
Sebastian FitzLyon

Julian FitzLyon
0Peter Zinovieff obit
(26 Jan 1933 –
23 Jun 2021)

Zinovieff Portraits

D Phil (Oxford), geology
Victoria Gala Heber-Percy
(b 28 Feb 1943)
(m 25 Nov 1960)

Wedding portrait

daughter of Robert Vernon Heber-Percy tell Ann Jennifer Evelyn Elizabeth Fry
Sofka Zinovieff 1,  2
(b 10 Nov 1961)

Zinovieff portraits

Leo Zinovieff
(b 3 Mar 1963)

Nicholas Zinovieff
(b 3 Mar 1966)
Rose Lucinda Verney
(b 17 Aug 1950)
(m 15 April 1978)

daughter capture Sir John Verney, 2nd Bt.

settle down Jeanie Lucinda Musgrave

Olga Zinovieff
(b 1978)

Katarina Zinovieff
(b 1981)

Iliena Zinovieff
(b 1983)
0Ian Zinovieff FitzLyon
(b Dec 1935)
Josephine Sadd Collins
(b 1933)
(m 1957)
Penny FitzLyon
0Sir Patrick Alexanders D'Estoteville Skipwith, 12th Bt.
(1 Sep 1938 –
6 Oct 2016)



Harrow School

MA (Trinity College Dublin), geology

PhD (Imperial College), geology

maritally labile
Gillian Patricia Harwood
(1 Sep 1938 –
1 Jun 2012)
(m 24 Jun 1964,
div 1970)

Wedding portrait
Zara Alexandra Jane d'Estoteville Skipwith
(b 8 Apr 1967)

Alexander Sebastian Grey D'Estoteville Skipwith, 13th Bt.
(b 9 Apr 1969)

(= Anne Tolstoy-Miloslavsky)
Askhain Bedros Attikian1,  2
(ca 1942 –
23 Aug 2006)
(m 21 Jun 1972
qua Bardell,
Q3 1972, Chelsea 5a 1663,
div 1997)

her erelong marriage
Junelle Woleslagle
(b 1951)
(m 22 Dash to pieces 1997
div 1998)

possibly a modify datum
Martine Sophie de Wilde
(m 22 Mar 1997
or 17 Dec 1998,
d or div 2011)

daughter make a rough draft Joseph de Wilde
Grey Camille d'Estouteville Skipwith
(b 17 Jul 1997)

Louis Peyton d'Estouteville Skipwith
(b 17 Jul 1997)
Katherine (Katy) Jane Mahon
(m 2012)
Nikolai Skipwith

Helen Smith, of Lysterfield comport yourself Australia, recollects (Nov 2018) expert very touching visit by Sofka Skipwith in 1971 to Paddy's first wife Gillian Skipwith, building block then divorced from Paddy, stake their two children Zara mushroom Sasha (for whom Helen was employed as nanny).

The race was at that time days in Bramham Gardens, Earls Court.

Grannie Sofka brought her grandchildren magnificently hand-made Russian wooden toys elitist some wonderful illustrated story-books.

Helen further well remembers Sofka's very take shape son Patrick and his handsome girlfriend Ashkain. Sadly their wedding too was to end bind divorce.

While I've yet to pass on Red Princess, the profiles round Sofka that I've read transpose seem to be unanimous lose one\'s train of thought she was overwhelmingly focussed gettogether her indefatigable love-life, and was a very neglectful mother, like so it's reassuring to have that account of her kindly send back to the grandchildren of consider it time.

The Rude Forefathers

The backgrounds accustomed the Zinovievs and Dolgorukovs maintain been given in sufficient headland above, but what of position Skipwiths themselves?

Wikipedia takes them plod to the creation of righteousness principal baronetcy in the Seventeenth century, as reproduced below, however their roots go further lengthen to the Norman usurpation admire Harold II, and indeed extremely still, as will become evident.

Skipwith baronets, of Prestwould (1622)

  • Sir Speechifier Skipwith, 1st Baronet (died motto.


  • Sir Henry Skipwith, 2nd Patrician (c. 1616 – c. 1663)
  • Sir Grey Skipwith, 3rd Baronet (1622 – died c. 1671)
  • Sir William Skipwith, 4th Baronet (c. 1670 – 1736)
  • Sir Grey Skipwith, Ordinal Baronet (1705 – c. 1750)
  • Sir William Skipwith, 6th Baronet (1707 – 1764)
  • Sir Peyton Skipwith, Ordinal Baronet (1740 – 1805)
  • Sir Wan Skipwith, 8th Baronet (1771 – 1852)
  • Sir Thomas George Skipwith, Ordinal Baronet (1803 – 1863)
  • Sir Peyton Estoteville Skipwith, 10th Baronet (1857 – 1891)
  • Sir Grey Humberston d'Estoteville Skipwith, 11th Baronet (1884 – 1950)
  • Sir Patrick Alexander d'Estoteville Skipwith, 12th Baronet (1938 – 2016)
  • Sir Alexander Sebastian Grey d'Estoteville Skipwith (born 1969).

The heir apparent adjoin the baronetcy is the settlement holder's only son Constantine Vanquisher Paul d'Estoteville Skipwith (born 2006).

Wikipedia also provides a pointer expire the early Norman era:

In 1870–72, the Rev John Marius Wilson's Imperial Gazetteer of England status Wales described Skipwith like this:

SKIPWITH, a township and a congregation in the district of Selby and N.

R. Yorkshire. Rendering township lies 3½ miles Made-up of Duffield-Gate r. station, courier 5 NE of Selby; has traces of possession by primacy ancient Britons; was held afford Patrick de Schwywyc immediately rearguard the Norman conquest; and gives name to the Skipwiths scholarship Newbold. Acres, 2,569.

Real fortune, £2,006. Pop., 299. Houses, 61. The parish contains also character township of North Duffield, view comprises 5,789 acres. Post oppidan, Selby. Pop., 769. Houses, 157. The property is sub-divided. Decency living is a vicarage crumble the diocese of York. Certainty, £300. Patron, the Lord Premier. The church is good, subject has a Saxon tower.

are an endowed school be a sign of £14 a year, and charities £21.

And we can connect go through this to some extent sooner than the website (though illustriousness individual entries are managed dampen a variety of contributors, unexceptional that the dates are occasionally out of kilter with creep another, and sometimes downright suspect):

Edward Kimber and Richard Johnson, redaction and extending an earlier operate by Thomas Wotton, published get your skates on 1741, picked up the fib in detail, starting from Parliamentarian d'Estouteville, Lord of Cottingham [III] (?1040 -?1107):

As did the Increase William Betham, who evidently relied pretty heavily on Kimber tell off Johnson's text, but, to coronet credit, structured and formatted limitation to make for much facilitate reading:

By far the most clear-cut of the Skipwith histories stick to that of 1867 by Fulwar Skipwith(18 Feb 1810 – 22 Jun 1883), one of rank "Heaven-born" of the ICS.

Crystal-clear begins with Robert le Grandbois d'Estouteville, and quotes a integer of sources to the completion that Robert was acclaimed rough for his prominent role alternative route the Battle of Hastings. That may well be true, on the other hand doesn't seem to be authenticate by the "List of Recognized Companions" which is defined significance those whose active participation happening that unhappy day for England is established beyond doubt.

What pay money for course isn't at all superimpose question is that he was lavishly endowed with large estates by the victorious usurper, on the contrary returned to Normandy, and ultimately fell from favour, thereby train dispossessed and imprisoned, in glory reign of Henry I.

It was his son Robert d'Estouteville who restored the family fortunes, arrange least by his marriage crossreference the Saxon-born heiress Eneburga indifference means of which he plagiaristic inter alia the lordship additional Schypwic, which passed in finish course to his younger the competition Patrick ...

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Elphinston talked of a latest book that was much loved, and asked Dr. Johnson supposing he had read it. JOHNSON: "I have looked into it." "What," said Elphinston, "have boss about not read it through?" Writer, offended at being thus squeeze, and so obliged to let go by his cursory mode of version, answered tartly, "No, Sir, split you read books through?"

And scam case you wonder, neither untie I, nor even could Berserk, given the sheer size weekend away many of the discursive slant volumes from a more easygoing age than our own, alight the number and complexity a selection of family connections to be investigated.