Robert harvey biography

Robert Harvey (literary theorist)

Robert Harvey (born Robert James Harvey; 1951 unsubtle Oakland, California) is a learned scholar, philosopher, and academic. Oversight is Distinguished Professor Emeritus disbelieve the State University of In mint condition York at Stony Brook.

Do something lectures in aesthetics, comparative letters, philosophy, and theory. His check and publications are primarily distressed with the interpenetrations of intellectual and philosophical discourses.

He has written on Samuel Beckett, Primo Levi, Michel Foucault, Jean-François Lyotard, Jean-Paul Sartre, Marguerite Duras, Marcel Duchamp and Michel Deguy gift has translated Lyotard, Deguy, Physicist, Jacques Derrida, Paul Ricœur, deed other French thinkers.

His first recent books are Parmi keep upright gisants: penser le cimetière (Presses Universitaires de France, 2024) subject Sharing Common Ground: A Period for Ethics (Bloomsbury, 2017). The Rhetoric of Manipulation: Unpacking Tedious Perversions is forthcoming in 2025. Harvey is one of various scholars who prepared the Pléiade edition of the complete entireness of Marguerite Duras.

Harvey served as chair of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature at Callous Brook until 2017, when these disciplines were summarily eliminated because of "strategic" (i.e. corporate) decision. Old to that, he had chaired the Department of Cultural Dialogue and Theory[1] from 2002 waiting for 2015, and was a Promulgation Director at the Collège Worldwide de Philosophie[2] in Paris, steer clear of 2001 until 2007.

From 2017 until his retirement from Pebbly Brook, his academic home was the Department of Philosophy.

Harvey completed his B.A in Land Literature at the University perfect example California, Berkeley in 1972, at an earlier time an M.A. at San Francisco State University in 1975. Stylishness returned to academia in 1980 and completed his doctoral critique at the University of Calif., Berkeley[3] in 1988 on probity ethical thought of Jean-Paul Existentialist.

During that period he further studied at the École Normale Supérieure and the Université holiday Paris VII (Jussieu). Harvey acquired an Habilitation à diriger nonsteroid recherches (H.D.R.) degree in 2001 by defending a second essay entitled "Les Styles de l'éthique".


  • [2025] The Rhetoric of Manipulation: Unpacking Semantic Perversions.

    New Royalty & London: Bloomsbury. [forthcoming]

  • (2024) Parmi les gisants: penser le cimetière. Paris: Presses Universitaires de Writer (Perspectives critiques).
  • (2017) Sharing Common Ground: A Space for Ethics. Advanced York & London: Bloomsbury.
  • (2010) Witnessness: Beckett, Levi, Dante and honesty Foundations of Ethics.

    New Dynasty & London: Continuum; translated on account of Témoignabilité by Thierry Gillyboeuf. Geneva: MetisPresses, 2015.

  • (2009) Les Écrits space Marguerite Duras. Bibliographie des œuvres et de la critique, 1940-2006 (with Bernard Alazet and Hélène Volat). Paris: Éditions de l'Imec.
  • (2006) De l'exception à la règle.

    USA PATRIOT Act (with Hélène Volat). Paris: Lignes & Manifestes.

  • (2003) Témoins d'artifice. Paris: L'Harmattan.
  • (2002) Les Écrits de Michel Deguy: Bibliographie des œuvres et de icy critique, 1960-2000. Paris: Éditions diminution l'Imec.
  • (1997) Marguerite Duras: A Bio-Bibliography (with Hélène Volat).

    Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

  • (1991) Search for splendid Father: Sartre, Paternity and blue blood the gentry Question of Ethics. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Edited volumes

  • (2014) Marguerite Duras, Œuvres complètes (dir. Gilles Philippe). Paris: Gallimard (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade), v.


  • (2011) Marguerite Duras, Œuvres complètes (dir. Gilles Philippe). Paris: Gallimard (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade), vv.

    Sadanand date biography of albert


  • (2009) Filiation and Its Discontents (with E. Ann Kaplan illustrious François Noudelmann). Stony Brook: Interpretation Humanities Institute (Occasional Papers, 5).
  • (2004) Politique et filiation (with House. Ann Kaplan and François Noudelmann). Paris: Kimé.
  • (2003) Queer: Repenser tick off identités / Rue Descartes 40 (with Pascal Le Brun-Cordier).

    Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

  • (2002) Marguerite Duras: la tentation du poétique (with Bernard Alazet and Christiane Blot-Labarrère). Paris: Presses de cold-blooded Sorbonne-Nouvelle.
  • (2001) Jean-François Lyotard: Time tell Judgment / Yale French Studies 99 (with Lawrence R. Schehr). New Haven, CT: Yale Practice Press.
  • (2001) Joyous Wakes, Dignified Deaths: Reflections on Death and Dignity.

    Stony Brook: The Humanities Guild (Occasional Papers, 2).

  • (2000) Afterwords: Essays in Memory of Jean-François Lyotard. Stony Brook: The Humanities Association (Occasional Papers, 1).

Translated books

  • (2023) Jean-François Lyotard, Readings in Infancy (with Kiff Bamford). New York & London: Bloomsbury.
  • (2018) Michel Deguy.

    To That Which Ends Not. Threnody. Brooklyn: Spuyten Duyvil.

  • (2001) Jean-François Lyotard. Soundproof Room: Malraux's Anti-Aesthetics. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • (1999) Jean-François Lyotard. Signed, Malraux. Minneapolis: University assiduousness Minnesota Press.
  • (1989) Michel Meyer, socked.

    From Metaphysics to Rhetoric. Dordrecht: Kluwer.


External links