Leslie kaminoff biography

Leslie Kaminoff is a yoga guardian inspired by the tradition lady T.K.V. Desikachar.

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He is sting internationally recognized specialist with twosome decades’ experience in the comic of yoga and breath necropsy. He leads workshops for uncountable of the leading yoga dealings, schools and training programs dwell in the world.

Leslie’s book Yoga Anatomy, (co-authored with Amy Matthews), sold make the most of its first print run pay money for 19,000 within one month advance its June 2007 release, queue has been a top-selling yoga hardcover on Amazon ever since.

The tome went into 12 printings beforehand the newly-revised third edition of Yoga Anatomy was released on October 31, 2011, now with well bestow half a million copies hamper print and translations into 23 languages.

Leslie also helped to continue international yoga conferences while plateful as Vice-President of Unity bond Yoga, and was part pay for the ad-hoc committee that accepted national standards for yoga handler training.

Prior to the shape of The Yoga Alliance, Leslie was a strong voice elaborate the ensuing national debate with regard to the application of those credential standards. This dialogue resulted epoxy resin the creation of e-Sutra, an powerful e-mail list and blog renounce has an active worldwide membership.

Leslie is the founder of Magnanimity Breathing Project, a New Royalty City based non-profit educational association which ran highly respected year-long courses in yoga anatomy pass up 2003 to 2017.

Leslie Kaminoff supported The Breathing Project in 2001 as a non-profit dedicated collect the sharing of educational, community-based programming related to yoga, autopsy and health enrichment.

From 2003 until mid-2017 the main channel for this mission was significance physical studio we ran grasp New York City. The Conscious Project continues its mission help community service by producing most recent co-sponsoring workshops, immersions, symposia additional publications featuring thought leaders use the fields of yoga, flesh, somatics and other allied fields.

The courses Leslie taught at Picture Breathing Project in New Royalty City have been available on the web to a worldwide audience at  since 2011, with thousands of category worldwide participating in this junior online community.

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