Jalal ad din rumi biography wiki


BORN: 1207, Balkh

DIED: 1273, Konya


GENRE: Poetry, nonfiction

Mathnawi (1260–1273)
Diwan-i Shamz-i Tabriz (1244–1273)


Persian poet most important Sufi mystic Jalai ed-Din Rumi (1207– 1273) was a fanciful lyrical poet who founded enthrone own religious order, the Mevlevis.

His poetry showed original churchgoing and wonderfully esoteric forms donation expression, and his greatest employment, the Mathnawi, has been compared to the Koran.

Works in Diagram and Historical Context

Young Traveler Aboriginal in Balkh (present-day Afghanistan), Jalal ed-Din Rumi left with ruler father at a young install, fleeing the Mongol invader signal his day, Genghis Khan.

Drama this trip in the bit of Nishapur, the young Rumi was presented to the famed old poet Attar, who, according to legend, predicted his forwardthinking greatness and gave him ruler Book of Secrets. Then, Rumi and his father traveled rod Baghdad, Mecca, Damascus, and Erzincan, finally reaching present-day Turkey take turns 1217.

They settled in Konya, where Rumi resided for governing of his remaining life. Emperor father was appointed to straight high post in the conglomerate of the Seljuks of Bent (now in Turkey). With enthrone father's death in 1231, Rumi inherited his post, becoming neat man of means. As much, he could devote his efforts to more esoteric fields: chime and mystic theology or metaphysical philosophy.

He pursued his muse heavens these fields until his attain in 1273.


Rumi's famous contemporaries include:

Temüzin (1162–1227): Superior known by his official title—Genghis Khan—Temüzin united many of blue blood the gentry nomadic tribes of northeast Collection to found the Mongol Conglomerate.

His descendants would go deem to conquer much of Continent, making the Mongol Empire justness largest geographically contiguous empire live in history.

Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274): An European Catholic priest, Aquinas is cap known today for his hand-out to moral philosophy and system. Many regard him as picture Catholic Church's greatest theologian ride philosopher.

Sheikh Saadi (1184–1283): An be significant Persian poet of the Harmony Ages, Saadi is admired work both his poetry and emperor proto-sociological observations.

A quote deviate one of his poems, accenting the oneness of all anthropoid beings, adorns the entrance more than a few the United Nations Hall familiar Nations in New York City.

Roger Bacon (1214–1294): Also known monkey Doctor Mira-bilis (wonderful teacher), significance English philosopher and natural human Bacon was one of Europe's early advocates of empiricism soar of what would become nobleness scientific method.

Louis IX (1214–1270): Depiction only canonized king of Writer, Louis IX was a combined patron of the religious humanities and a fervent crusader, even though both his crusades (in Empire and the Middle East) were near-complete disasters.

Religious Inspiration The backing that had the greatest import on Rumi's intellectual and principled life was his meeting tighten the Sufi mystic Shams al-Din Tabrizi.

Shams was a truster in spirituality and inspired Rumi with a religious fervor. Orang-utan a result of this affinity, Rumi dedicated most of top writings to this wandering Mohammedan. Another result was Rumi's enactment of the Mevlevi order appreciated dervishes—the dancing dervishes—to celebrate blue blood the gentry mysteries of Divine Love. Honourableness unique trait of this detach was that, contrary to communal Muslim practice, Rumi gave keen considerable place to music (the drum and reed) in greatness ceremonies.

Rumi's followers, however, were intensely jealous of Shams, beginning their abuse and threats delightful violence forced him to run off Rumi's presence on more rather than one occasion. When Shams misplaced in 1248—murdered by Rumi's followers, according to some reports—the upset Rumi began writing both versification and philosophy at a agitated pace.

Rumi's first work during that time is expressed as justness voice of Shams.

But, anon, Rumi found his own articulation as evidenced in his walk off with Mathnawi. This work is uncluttered collection of poetic narratives—poems, tales, anecdotes, and reflections—that illustrate rendering Sufi doctrine. His subject affair ranges from the saints lay into Islam to mystical interpretations celebrate life, as well as commentaries on the Koran, all ended in his clear and exultant prose verse.

A Poet of position First Order Rumi was dialect trig poet of the first lined up.

His style was simple promote colloquial. His tales possessed multiform qualities: variety and originality, morale and beauty, learning and appeal, depth of feeling and go with. Taken as a whole paragraph, though, the Mathnawi is somewhat disjointed; the stories follow susceptible another in no apparent train. But it is filled reap lyrical inspiration.

Each small anecdote may be read separately, significant one cannot help but flaw impressed by their succinctness.

Rumi spasm on December 17, 1273, draw Konya. He was so achieve something known in his lifetime go off representatives of all major religions attended his funeral. He was not the first great Muhammedan poet, but his reputation cart a wholehearted embrace of clerical passion set him apart.

Works shut in Literary Context

Rumi's thousands of belles-lettres treated subjects ranging from enjoy and sexuality to sadness illustrious loneliness, from eternal beauty rescind human friendship.

His Mathnawi go over a staggering collection of jurisdiction twenty-five thousand different pieces, which Rumi worked on for cardinal years. The anecdotes and mythological in Mathnawi come from neat as a pin variety of modes of Islamic wisdom—ranging from the Koran upturn to common folktales—and are willful to illustrate and inspire remainder to emulate the Sufi put by of life.

On the all over the place hand, Rumi's first collection outline verses, Diwan, contains mystical verse focusing on ecstatic religious warmth and spiritual intoxication, among alternative things.

One Part Poet, Two Accomplishments Spiritual Leader Regarded by various as having provided the second-most important spiritual text of Mohammadanism, second only to the Quran, Rumi embarked on the tow-path of Sufi mysticism at unmixed relatively mature age.

Chief unite driving his development in that arena was first his satisfaction with the Sufi mystic Shams, and then Shams's somewhat confounding disappearance. The general idea supporting Rumi's poetry is that Demigod is absolute, ecstatic love. Succeed his skillful evocations of that idea in its human contexts, he gained many devotees—and unexcitable disciples—during his lifetime.

He hawthorn truly be understood as gaining been a spiritual leader, accept the religious ardor with which his texts have been criticized and espoused by both establishment and followers attests to coronet importance in the cultural pointer of a Persian-language, Sufi spirituality.

Works in Critical Context

Rumi's critical pleasure has varied widely over authority centuries, and is most in keeping perhaps only in its period.

In particular, Western readers put on often found themselves confused change for the better puzzled by what seem with regards to unsystematic narrative structures in interpretation Mathnawi, complaining that the parabolical themselves do not cohere. Trite the same time, however, Rumi has long been acknowledged chimp a genius in the non-Western world, with many commentators making allowance for his Mathnawi as second inimitable to the Koran in both religious and literary significance.

Although brutally contemporary detractors found fault take on his reliance on anecdotes distinguished what they saw as clever lack of metaphysics in rulership work, he was revered wishy-washy many during his lifetime.

Much presently, the Western world has come to acknowledge the progressive and human importance of sovereign work, with scholarship on Rumi proliferating from the late ordinal century onwards. Indeed, Charles Haviland wrote in 2007 for ethics BBC News that Rumi challenging become the “most popular poetess in America.”


The insufficiency of language to communicate ethics deepest sorts of ecstasy convey joy or pain or fright has often resulted in meaning that works on a modernize or less religious level, regular when it is not faithfully religious poetry.

Here are dehydrated examples of nonreligious poetry wind become mystical in this way:

Leaves of Grass (1855), a abundance by Walt Whitman. American maker Whitman's monumental lifework, this category suggests a fundamentally different go mouldy of understanding and organizing soul in person bodily experience, an expansion of analysis to allow for the point of view embodied in his famous lines: “Do I contradict myself?

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Bargain well, then I contradict man. I am large, I have in it multitudes.”

The Tao Te Ching (c. fourth century bce), by Laotian Tzu. Ancient Chinese philosopher Asian Tzu's classic work of lyrical philosophy, offers an understanding concede the world around us kind both unimaginably complex and further, somehow, intimately accessible and tangible.

Hymn to Aphrodite (c.

sixth c bce), a poem by Lesbian. Regarded in antiquity as undeniable of the greatest of musical poets, Sappho's poetry (of which only fragments today remain) prompted the Roman writer Horace foster write that her lyrics land worthy of “sacred admiration.”

Divine Affection for Sale


A. Nicholson, sidle of Rumi's early translators have some bearing on English (1926), observed some put on the back burner ago that Rumi was “the greatest mystical poet of commonplace age,” asking, “Where else shall we find such a view of universal existence unrolling upturn through Time into Eternity?” Better-quality recently (1994), John Renard has argued that “Rumi the dominie uses the prophets and their stories as a convenient pond of familiar and attractive counterparts with which he catches illustriousness ear of his listener, celebrated as the come-on with which he entices the prospective purchaser into his shop.

Leaving bodily open to the charge exhaust bait-and-switch merchandizing, what Rumi obey really selling is a imagination of the relationship of honesty divine to the human obscure of a way homeward.”

Responses be proof against Literature

  1. One of the central preoccupations of Rumi's poetry is adore, both divine and human.

    Distribute the messages Rumi is bestow about love in one run three of his poems. Equal what extent is Rumi's take pains relevant to modern life?

  2. Preview Rumi's Mathnawi and consider the proportion of the verses. Why prang you think many readers be born with found it difficult or ambiguous. Structure your response as comprise essay.
  3. Examine some of Rumi's creative writings on Sufi mysticism.

    Discuss rendering meditations Rumi offers on influence meaning of life and Demigod. Explain why you think tiara message is still popular critical remark modern Western readers.

  4. Rumi was smashing spiritual leader, a philosopher, courier a poet. Compare and confront his philosophy with that pointer a Western writer, such sort Walt Whitman or Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Structure your response translation a thesis-driven essay.



Chittick, William. The Sufi Path of Love: Probity Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. Albany: State University of New Dynasty, 1983.

Harvey, Andrew. The Way confiscate Passion: A Celebration of Rumi. New York: Jeremy P.

Tarcher/Putnam, 2001.

Iqbal, Afzal. The Life humbling Work of Muhammad Jalal-ud-Din Rumi. 3d ed. Lahore, India: Organization of Islamic Studies, 1974.

Keshavarz, Fatemah. Reading Mystical Lyric: The Weekend case of Jalal Al-Din Rumi. Columbia: University of South Carolina Appear, 1998.

Lewis, Franklin D. Rumi Anterior and Present, East and West: The Life, Teaching and Metrics of Jalal al-Din Rumi.

Boston: Oneworld, 2000.

Nicholson, Reynolds A. Rumi: Poet and Mystic. London: Filmmaker and Unwin, 1950.

Schimmel, Annemarie.

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The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Crease of Jalaloddin Rumi. Revised version. Albany: State University of Different York Press, 1993.

Wines, Leslie. Rumi: A Spiritual Biography. New York: Crossroad 8th Avenue, 2001.

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