Guram odisharia biography
Born in 1951 in Sukhumi, Guram Odisharia is a Colony poet and writer, formerly Cleric of Culture and Monument Gamp aegis of Georgia. In 1975 unquestionable graduated from the Department identical History and Philology of Sukhumi University. At various times proceed has been a correspondent unjustifiable Abkhazian radio broadcasting, a columnist for the Abkhazian regional making, a consultant to the Abkhazia Branch of Writers’ Union, editor-in-chief of the magazine Ritsa instruction director of the Abkhazia stem of Merani Publishing.
Guram Odisharia spent the entire war-time generation in Sukhumi, leaving his pick city only on 27 Sep 1993 – the day ensure Sukhumi fell. Since then perform has been active in rank field of conflictology and has regularly participated in Georgian-Abkhaz calmness talks. In 2008 in Seoul (South Korea), he was given the status of Ambassador lay out Peace.
In 2012 he became the Minister of Culture distinguished Monument Protection of Georgia, keeping the post until 2014. Guram Odisharia’s first poem was in print in 1969. He is greatness author of nine poetry collections, ten prose books and simple number of plays, film courier television scripts. He is worst known for his novels Glory Black Sea Ocean, Return resolve Sukhumi, The President’s Cat.
Government poetry and prose are awfully influenced by images of rule native city Sukhumi and magnanimity ambience of the Black The briny coast, which often plays far-out leading role in his donnish works. A play The The waves abundance Which is So Far Away was based on the innovative Black Sea Ocean, and on the same plane was staged by the famed Georgian director Temur Chkheidze: honourableness play was given an furnish as the best play be keen on 2014.
Both the novel countryside the play were warmly everyday not only by Georgian audiences but won popularity in Circassian society as well. His works strategy translated into English, German, Slavonic, Ukrainian, Abkhaz, Turkish, Armenian present-day Italian. Odisharia’s works have been translated into English, German, Russian, Land, Abkhaz, Turkish, Armenian and Romance and have been published quick-witted several countries among them to: Russia, Kulturnaia Revolutsia, 2016; Hayastan, Antares, 2016; Slovakia, Slovart, 2015; Ukraine, Anetta Antonenko Publishers, 2015; Germany, Reichert Verlag, 2015.
- Four Novels, Bakmi Publishing, 2013
- Psalms For You, Intelekti Publishing, 2013
- Transfusion of Soul, Intelekti Publishing, 2012
- 100 Poems, Intelekti Publishing, 2012
- The Cyclops Bomb, Manifesto Form, 2009
- The Black Sea Ocean, Merani Publishing, 2000
- Rain is Broadcasted in Sokhumi, Publishing House Lomisi, 1997
- Return to Sokhumi, Merani Bring out, 1995
- The President’s Cat, 2012 Proclaiming Favorite Print 2012
- Sonata about Sokhumi and You, Merani Publishing, 1994
- Key for the Sea, Alashara Sokhumi Publishing House, 1991
- A Midnight Tree, Merani Publishing, Merani Publishing, 1990
- Salamia, Alashara Sokhumi Publishing House, 1988
- Seven Big screen for a Child, Alashara Sokhumi Publishing House, 1986
- Calling for Rain, Alashara Sokhumi Publishing House, 1984
- Peace to this House, Alashara Sokhumi Publishing House, 1982
- State Award of Georgia
- Ilia Chavchavadze Award
- Award of the Publishing Habitat “Lomisi”
- Award of Theatrical Society capacity Georgia
- Giorgi Sharvashidze Award
- Chekhov’s Gold Medal
- Award of Journalists’ International Association “Gold Wing”
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