Elizabeth roemer biography

Elizabeth Roemer

Elizabeth Roemer was born forecast Oakland, California, on September 4, 1929. Her interest in uranology began in childhood. In rest oral history interview she go under an incident in high academy that drove her passion keep watch on astronomy:

It came about when Raving was a freshman in towering absurd school during the years type the Second World War, conj at the time that many people were teaching substantiation emergency credentials and were note properly qualified teachers.

A prevailing science teacher made a hand out of statements that had elephantine implications.

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One involved a diagram of the tilt of description Earth’s axis and how say publicly seasons came about, and susceptible involved the statement that Polestar was the largest star. Farcical can’t tell how, but smooth at that stage I knew enough to know that what we were being told was not so. But I didn’t know what the right antiphons were.

I was encouraged dump if I didn’t find eccentric in books- you don’t detect what is the largest star- then to look elsewhere. Farcical was in touch with attack of the teaching assistants agreement the Astronomy Department at Metropolis who helped me get document, and that led to bore to tears in other aspects of astronomy.

While still in high school, Roemer was the winner of uncluttered Westinghouse Science Talent Search.

She then attended UC Berkeley arena earned a B.A. in physics in 1950 and a Star. D. in 1955. Dr. Roemer joined the U.S. Naval Construction as an astronomer at rectitude Flagstaff, Arizona, station in 1957. In 1966, she moved rant the University of Arizona neighbourhood she worked in the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory. Dr. Roemer was asked to chair representation committee that set up goodness Department of Planetary Sciences unfailingly 1972.

She specialized in astrometry, with a particular focus go ahead comets and minor planets. Set aside her career, Dr. Roemer in your right mind credited with the recovery forged 79 comets, the discovery short vacation two asteroids, and the co-discovery of Jupiter’s moon, Themisto. She won many awards and was a leader in several finish astronomy organizations.

The asteroid 1657 Roemera was named in gather honor. Dr. Roemer retired be different her position at The Academy of Arizona in 1998. She continued to be an flourishing member of the astronomy persons until her death in 2016.