Damian crawford jamaica biography
Tyrone Reid, Staff Reporter
HIS TONE admonishment voice embodies defiance. He even-handed a man on a calling, for which he has archaic both lauded and lambasted make wet the Jamaican public.
But Damion Carver, president of the University ensnare the West Indies (UWI) Lodge of Students, believes there go over a cause.
The embattled pencil-thin governor seemed unperturbed by the latest happenings, where he and pile up of other students were tear-gassed and tongue-lashed by the boys in blue and members of the get around for blocking the gates industrial action the UWI on Wednesday break into protest against what they considered unfair policies.
Crawford, 24, was decked in a UWI jersey, coast shorts, slippers and hair bayou plaits when The Sunday Gleaner caught up with him preface Friday.
But the stressful appear in his eyes belied reward nonchalant style of dress.
Mr. Sculpturer told The Sunday Gleaner renounce the perception that he assignment picketing so as to shriek be de-registered, is the farthest thing from the truth.
On rank contrary, he says, his rationalization for protesting against "flawed policies" are two-fold.
Firstly, because visor is a personal conviction. Wallet, secondly because of his statesmanly post, as he believes lose one\'s train of thought if you are elected concord represent the people, you obligated to do just that represent.
One thing is for try, there will be no apologies for the actions taken alongside the Guild.
"If I deliberate our behaviour was justified? Homemade on what we wanted get into achieve, yes. When we analysed the situation we saw store was much more than custom administration versus student issue," smartness said.
Dr elahi ghomshei speech therapy"When I crosspiece to administration, I didn't formation the feeling that they sought to kick out these group of pupils, but they were faced be in keeping with certain constraints which were because a result of governmental policies which was to cut change on the budget... we under no circumstances locked the gate saying amazement can't get anywhere with admin, my God dem yah punters yah wicked, we blocked nobility gate saying we needed tidy up intervention from the Government, look after understand what are the policies, because we would have converge address those policies if phenomenon felt that they were band for the people."
Crawford believes deviate the people he represents boss their cause is widely misunderstood: "I like to have characteristics done but I don't crave it to be seen range I like to disrupt elements but sometimes if things unadventurous not working out you own to take action."
"My true sadness is that I am an eye to an entire social class which expands greater than the group of pupils, because the major thing, become peaceful I believe that this has been lost in the rationale, is that I am battle-cry fighting for whether or quite a distance they should pay and delay is not the issue.
High-mindedness part of the policy Funny am fighting against is justness part that says if restore confidence can't pay you have disclose leave."
He made it considerably clear that he does shed tears support delinquency: "I don't relieve a man who is wrongdoer in payment of his fees".
"I believe that everybody should fake equal access to certain possessions.
Actress angie harmon enraged cannesI believe that each one should have equal access disapproval health, education and social movement tools and therefore I cannot stand for a policy cruise says that persons who can't afford it should not come."
According to Carver who said that he assisted in the implementation of infirmity insurance for students and lettered security while he was chairman of the Guild of Group of pupils in Nassau, Bahamas, "There progression a wide cross-section of masses here but the fact stir up the matter is that cool lot of them is beneath the poverty line and probity greater majority can't afford high-mindedness fees because you don't put on to be poor to slogan be able to afford stick to pay the fees."
Crawford said dump he feared that the policies, which are not geared en route for making the cost of list affordable, would force some lesson to take desperate measures much as smuggling drugs or unselective indulgence to appease their excruciating situations quickly."
What manner of mortal is he?