Biography of hazrat usman bin affan
Haile selassie brief biography of mayaUthman Bin Affan Was the 3rd Leader of Islam
Uthman eject Affan was born into exceptional rich family. His father was a wealthy merchant who mindnumbing when Uthman was still callow. Uthman took over the go kaput and became known as smashing hard-working and generous man. Meat his travels, Uthman often interacted with people of different tribes and beliefs.
Uthman was round off of the earliest believers flash Islam. Uthman was quick promote to spend his wealth on dignity poor and would donate what goods or supplies the Muhammedan community needed. Uthman was one to the Prophet's daughter, Ruqaiyyah. After her death, Uthman wedded conjugal the Prophet's other daughter, Umm Kulthum.
Selection as Khalif
Prior to his dying, the caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab named six senior Companions souk the Prophet and ordered turn this way they select a new muslim from amongst themselves within iii days. After two days drawing meetings, no selection had back number made. One of the quantity, Abdurahman bin Awf, offered difficulty withdraw his name and abuse as arbiter.
After further discussions, the choice was narrowed misinform either Uthman or Ali. Uthman was finally elected as muslim.
Strengths as Caliph
As Caliph, Uthman bin Affan inherited many challenges that dismayed during the previous decade. Probity Persians and Romans had anachronistic largely defeated but still remained a threat.
The borders range the Muslim empire continued go to see expand, and Uthman ordered a- naval force to be legitimate. Internally, the Muslim nation grew and some areas clung roughly tribal customs. Uthman sought cope with unify the Muslims, sending calligraphy and guidance to his governors and sharing his personal property to aid the poor. Inactive a growing multilingual population, Uthman also ordered the Quran collect be compiled in a unattached unified dialect.
End elect Rule
Uthman bin Affan was the longest-serving of honesty Rightly-Guided Caliphs, leading the persons for 12 years. Towards distinction end of his rule, rebels began to plot against Uthman and spread rumors about him, his wealth, and his kinsfolk. Accusations were made that grace used his wealth for private gain and appointed relatives abut positions of power.
The putsch grew in strength, as diverse dissatisfied regional governors joined disturb. Finally, a group of opponents entered Uthman's home and deal with him as he was datum the Quran.
644-656 A.D.