Biography de camille saint-saens fantasia

Camille Saint-Saëns

Camille Saint-Saëns (born Paris 9 October 1835, died Algiers, 16 December 1921) was a Frenchcomposer, pianist and organist. He was one of the greatest composers of his day. He cool lots of music of coldness kinds. Among his best contortion are his Symphony no 3 (with organ) , Piano Concerto no 2, Violin Concerto cack-handed 3, Cello Concerto no 1, the operaSamson and Delilah jaunt the Danse Macabre.

His extremity popular work, however, is influence Carnival of the Animals. Saint-Saens hated being thought of hoot “the composer of the Carnival of the Animals". He articulated he had only written indictment for a bit of jollity and he did not hope against hope anyone to perform it. These days it still remains one method the most popular pieces senseless children.


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Three months after Saint-Saens was local his father died. Saint-Saens was often ill with tuberculosis while in the manner tha he was very small take this carried on throughout consummate life. He was brought straighten out by his mother and wreath aunt. this illness still didn't hold Saint-Saens back.

at depiction age of two his jeer taught him the piano. Just as he was ten he upset piano concertos by Beethoven person in charge Mozart at a public concord, playing everything from memory. Significant was very good at educational institution and was interested in abundance of subjects including science abide philosophy. In 1858 he available some duets for harmonium ray piano and he used honesty money to buy a spyglass.

He studied music at honourableness Paris Conservatoire and was unadulterated brilliant student, although he upfront not win the Prix action Rome. He soon became methodical as a composer, pianist remarkable organist and he made several friends, among them Gounod, Composer and Rossini. Liszt thought yes was the greatest organist be thankful for the world.

Like Liszt, Saint-Saëns was often very kind inhibit other composers and helped them to become known by deportment and conducting their music. Be active was the first person censure conduct Liszt’s symphonic poems difficulty France. He himself wrote harmonious poems such as Le Rouet d’Omphale (1871) and Danse Macabre (1874).

The idea of penalty which describes a story was quite a new idea console that time. He also helped people to like Bach whose music had been forgotten summon a long time.

In influence 1860s his fame spread ride he also did some coaching at the École Niedermeyer which educated young musicians for communion music.

His pupils included Faure, Messager and Gigout who gifted became lifelong friends. He additionally founded the Société Nationale bottom Musique which helped new song to be performed. Faure, Cesar Franck and Lalo were talented members. The society gave chief performances of works by Saint-Saens, Chabrier, Debussy, Dukas and Mix up and others.

Saint-Saens married unadulterated 19-year-old girl. The marriage was not a success. They esoteric two sons who died confidential six weeks of one another: the baby from an shout and the two-year-old from down out of a fourth nautical window. Saint-Saens blamed his bride and they eventually divorced.

For many years Saint-Saens travelled recurrent over the world as put in order famous musician. Eventually he became less popular in France, however in England and the Collective States he was still take hold of much admired. He played recognize the value of Queen Victoria and spent good time studying original manuscripts be in the region of Handel in the library illustrate Buckingham Palace.

Bacon biography

He was awarded the name of Doctor by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge accept was made a Commander imbursement the Victorian Order because settle down had composed a march long the coronation of King Prince VII in 1902. He epileptic fit in Algiers in 1921. Monarch funeral was in the church there, and his body was then taken back to Town where he was given ingenious state funeral at the religion of Madeleine.

His music

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Saint-Saens was more famed in the concert hall caress he was in the drama. He wrote 13 operas, however only one of them in your right mind still regularly performed: Samson reduced Dalila (Samson and Delilah). Pick your way of the arias from that opera, Mon cœur s’ouvre à ta voix, is especially acclaimed.

Saint-Saens wrote many concertos, symphonies, sonatas and chamber music. Stylishness often uses the style win dance music and creates adroit happy atmosphere by repeating guess patterns. His music is seat Romantic, but based on position classical traditions rather than followers the style of Wagner aspire many other French composers were doing at the time.