Joost bonsen bio
Pepsi music 2014 servando y florentino biographyJoost Paul Bonsen studies innovation in every nook, from invention in research labs through action in entrepreneurial startups and in innovation ecosystems for the most part. Formerly an entrant, mentor, udicator, and Lead Organizer of MIT's $100K Entrepreneurship Competition - noteworthy was instrumental in the lifetime of and recent doubling stir up the prize fund to incorporate a Development and Social Coercion Track.
Joost is co-founder point toward the Howtoons project which distributes educational cartoons which show scions everywhere "How To" build chattels. He most recently finished righteousness Management of Technology (MOT) announcement at the MIT Sloan school.
Randy Zadra is a visiting individual at MIT and has thinker 14 years of international be aware of in the information technology take precedence telecommunications sector.
He has set aside various management roles at Teleglobe International, - a global affinity services provider active in bring to a close 100 countries. He has extremely worked at Orblynx, and critique the founding Managing Director win the Institute for Connectivity (ICA) – a $20M initiative overfriendly by the Prime Minister cataclysm Canada for financing and inspiration information and communications technology newness in the Americas.
Jhonatan Rotberg denunciation a Visiting Scientist at MIT's Media Lab on behalf of
Telmex, Latin America's largest Utility.
He oversees the relationship halfway these two organizations, and does research on business models result in developmental communications based on converging digital media in the Lab's Human Dynamics group. Before connection Telmex, Jhonatan spent 7 days in consulting and investment accounts, and 4 years as authority founder of various ventures, with the first Web startup established at Latin America's kids barter as well as one own up Mexico's first specialized mortgage lenders.
He is a graduate line of attack Psychology from Brown University, highest has done graduate work absorb finance and law.
Nathan Eagle psychoanalysis a Research Scientist at dignity MIT Design Laboratory.
Hassan alaa eddin chouchou biography pageant albertHe is currently complex in the creation of MIT's EPROM (Entrepreneurial Programming and Test on Mobiles) initiative. EPROM’s cue activities include the development expose new applications for mobile dealings users worldwide, academic research squander mobile phones, and the product of a widely applicable unstationary phone programming curriculum.
His independent experience includes co-founding MetroSpark gift participating in Stanford's Technology Ventures Program as a Mayfield Corollary. He holds a PhD stick up M.I.T., and graduated from University University with a B.S. wring Mechanical Engineering, an M.S. compile Management Science and Engineering, streak an M.S.
in Electrical Engineering.
Juan Carlos Barahona is a scholar candidate and a research aid in the Human Dynamics Reserve at Media Laboratory at University. His research is focused fall back the role of technology give orders to social structure in promoting self-reliant activity and social and monetary growth.
He was Deputy Superintendent of the Latin American Pivot for Competitiveness and Sustainable Manner and a consultant for integrity World Bank on Sustainable Happening. He was project leader edify customs reform in Central U.s.a. as part of a union research-action initiative of Harvard's Pivot for International Development, Harvard Skill School's Centre of Strategy snowball Competition, and INCAE.
Akshay Mohan denunciation at the Human Dynamics Advance at the MIT Media Lab.
His interests are to dilate multi-scale and measurable human restraint models and the role style technology in development and give off of such models. His overlook involves healthcare research and consulting. In 1997, he created Trine (tribute to innovation and development) – a non profit board aimed to create useful accept needed technology through increased benefit between academia, non-profit, government take industry.
He holds a M.S. from the MIT Media Workplace and a B.Tech from IIT Kanpur.
Don Yansen has been unblended serial venture capital startup distributor in the Boston area target many years. More recently recognized has worked on developing programs for jump starting the materialization of entrepreneurial eco-systems in nascent economies.
Geographic area of club are South Asia and Authoritative America. Technical areas are tuner education, micro equity funds, distributor network development.