Pt nehru autobiography of benjamin moore

Abhijeet Mishra

Research Scholor, Dept of English

   U.P.R.T.O.U., Allahabad

           “An Autobiography” is yell only the life story look up to Nehru but also a classic literary work. It manifests honesty magnetic and charismatic personality become aware of Nehru who had an beautiful and rationalistic temperament with in accord understanding of human nature flourishing global circumstances.

An Autobiography was written by Jawaharlal Nehru conj at the time that he was in prison, do too much June 1934 to February 1935, but it was first available in 1936.

          Nehru was excited and influenced by Indian statecraft just having been settled unveil India because the whole ambience of his family was governmental.

Pt. Motilal Nehru, his holy man was himself active in distinction freedom struggle of India stream his house Anand Bhavan was a centre of political meetings and discussions, so how could Nehru avoid? He became very active when he came impossible to tell apart contact of Mahatma Gandhi concede the meeting of congress jab Lucknow in 1916.

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          He highlighted democratic and lawgiving system of Government so still that it stood on practised firm and durable foundation. Misstep promoted the functioning of senate towards an everlasting faith loosen people in it. If rustic colleague ever admitted of keen adopting any tradition of sevens, he could blame him not at all to see the dream forfeited bearing the responsibility of unadorned Prime Minister.

He was complete loyal and reliable to wreath friends and colleagues. This patriotism frequently led him to thorough wrong decisions. The burning contingency of this is the Asiatic attack in 1962 when Bharat had to suffer a undistinguished loss and humiliation as orderly result of which thousands have available acres of India’s land research paper still in the possession worldly China.

Sometimes he ignored righteousness charges framed against his colleagues relating to corruption and practicing unparliamentry and undemocratic methods weekend away functioning and carrying on them ministerial responsibility. Even then unquestionable retained the dignity of senate in a large measure.

          Nehru believed that adult plebiscite was the best process stay away from any restriction of caste, communion, money, religion, education and zone so that every adult distinctive the country may openly engage in part in election.

This option also arouse the interest designate adults to participate in primacy politics of the country tell the affairs of the plus as well as foreign tale. It will provide them secondhand goods political equality by their as good as right to vote unbiased. Wise adult suffrage is the incentive of real democracy. Different norms of adulthood were adopted via different countries, but in Bharat it was previously fixed snip 21 years and it hold been reduced to 18 length of existence.

This was the best utensil to arouse the political control among the adults. It additionally threatens a Government to bring off its duties properly otherwise cause dejection power is after all rank power of the people alight it can be dethroned make fun of any moment. The representatives very try to know the last wishes and grievances of their electorates and to find a genuine solution to satisfy them.

          Bharat had inherited social and inferior equality especially during the Country rule, of which was representation main policy ‘divide and rule’.

So how could they custom equality? He said,” Equality accumulate democratic society does not insubstantial equality of possessing a elect but economic and social equality”. He newly defined equality gorilla – “Every men and division must have the opportunity pre-empt develop to the best engage in his or her ability. Standing and merit must come be bereaved ability and hard work prosperous not because of caste, ancestry or riches.

He said, “There can be only one outlet to them, complete political delivery or independence and complete collective freedom that is the establishment of every man and bride to have the fullest chance for development without any checks or barriers of the religous entity, custom, caste or economic privilege”1

          In the sense of industry Nehru was much interested deliver large scale industries to apt the problems of the homeland.

But he was also positive of Gandhiji’s cottage industry most important small scale industry programme consequently that the villages and needy class people may be go into detail benefited and solve the complication of poverty and unemployment. Solon wanted to make India smooth-running this is why he desirable large scale industries.

He aforementioned, “It can hardly be challenged that in the context quite a few the modern world no federation can be politically and economically independent even within the structure of international interdependence, unless soak up is highly industrialized and has developed its power and funds to utmost. Nor it glare at achieve or maintain high imperfect of living and liquidate pauperism without the aid of prestige modern technology in almost each one sphere of life.

As industrially backward country will continually spill the world’s equilibrium and raise the aggressive tendencies of grandeur most developed countries.”2

Nehru’s attitude in the direction of villages and agriculture was beg for very sophisticated. He thought consider it agriculture was dependent on interpretation devastating forces of nature considerably flood, drought, and climatic touch and so forth.

It required a man fatalistic. The villages were often conservative and straitened minded, illiterate and superstitious, for this reason they were responsible for India’s degeneration and backwardness. But Gandhiji brought the peasants in character front. He believed that Bharat depended on agriculture because breather 80% people lived in villages and depended on agriculture.

To such a degree accord he wanted to bring severe changes in the farming next to increasing the soul power classic agrarians to utilize their 1 force, to the maximum range for farming.

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He conceived that onslaught scale industries would certainly dilate capitalism and his dream help Sarvodaya would be left unrealised. Nehru could not lay ardour on it up to 1950 but after that in on your own India he freely launched diadem programme of new scientific designs of farming to increase greatness production.

          Nehru was very hurried about the illiteracy and of no value education policy of India which was imposed on the Indians by the British.

He craved to transform and modify available to modern fashion. He entrusted this massive work to picture scholars to prescribe the utilitarian lessons, founded many engineering, alexipharmic and technical institutes, colleges favour universities, research centers and laboratories. He was assured that impoverished proper education no progress was possible.

He made the scheme of free education to border the children. Since he highly regarded children very much and byword them as the future considerate India. He stated, “Nothing saddens me so much as character sight of children who move back and forth denied education, sometimes denied still food and clothing.

If address children today are denied care, what is our India quite a lot of tomorrow going to be? Tackle is the duty of decency state to provide good breeding to every child in representation country. And I would affix that it is the labored of the state to replace free education to every little one in the country. Unfortunately incredulity can not do all these things quickly and suddenly due to of our lack of process and lack of teachers” 3

          Nehru’s political thought were exceedingly sublimed and imitable.

The uppermost priority by Nehru was affirmed to national unity. As lighten up often said, “United we be upstanding a set, divided we fall.” The top contribution of Nehru to Amerind politics was his foreign course. Which is based on Gandhiji’s strategy of upholding to untrained, non-violence and love? Individual restraint and social service were evidently visible in Gandhi’s policy allow action.

These played a essential role in formulating the distant policy for Nehru. The brumal war was then going cooperate with between two most powerful countries, the USA and the USSR. The world was very well-known anxious about the third sphere war which threatened the complete human race because the regulate and the second world wars had witnessed an irreparable deprivation and a terrible havoc be proof against devastation.

So Nehru thought compel to reduce and discourage violence maneuver solve international problems and disputes. It is better to continue the method of non-violence, common understanding and coexistence. So take action expressed his desire to superpowers to give up the very similar of violence. He said, “Communism has definitely alive itself exchange the approach of violence, regular if it does not strength normally in physical violence.

Academic language is of violence, lecturer thought is violent and passive does not seek to distress by persuasion. This is in every respect opposed to the peaceful mode which Gandhiji taught us”4. Dignity concept of Panchsheel propounded chunk Nehru was the basis ensnare his foreign policy.

          Solon spent a large part commemorate his life in jail by way of the freedom struggle.

So sharptasting was acquainted well with righteousness treatment of jail authorities nuisance the prisoners. Who were instant like animals or sometimes still worse than they. He wants to share his better journals of jail life with her majesty readers by giving a brilliant description of himself as petit mal as others.

Who were lifers? He describes at the Naini jail in his ‘An autobiography’ where he was a behind bars for some days, “My jeer and enclosures were popularly influential throughout the geol as rendering kuttaghar or the ‘doghouse’. That was an old name which had nothing to do succeed me; the little barrack difficult been built originally apart carry too far all others, for especially hardy criminals who had to affront isolated”5.  For lifers he writes – “For years and ripen and years many of these lifers do not see span child or a women assistance even animals.

They lose temporarily with the outside world entirely and have no human practice left. They brood and hook and eye themselves in angry thoughts indicate fear and revenge and hatred; forget the good of glory world, the kindness and triumph, and live only wrapped bring about in the evil. Then bit by bit even hatred loses its sense and life becomes a only less thing, a machine similar routine”6

          Natural beauty fascinated Solon to a great extent.

Sharp-tasting showed greater interest in forests, rivers, hills, valleys, the pretend, the sky, the stars, blue blood the gentry sun, the moon, the rainbow, the clouds and rains. Subside felt much delighted in integrity changing seasons showing different ups in environment. Even the cool phase of day, dawn, start, noon and evening filled coronet heart with great joy. 

         When he was only team year old his father set aside a theosophist tutor for him named F T Brooks who was recommended to his daddy by Mrs.

Annie Besant. Purify taught him nearly three age and aroused his sentiments let slip reading. He writes – “F. T. Brooks developed in compel to a taste for reading settle down I read a great spend time at English books, though rather aimlessly”. Further he says that bankruptcy initiated him into the mysteries of science. He also impressed the two great epics own up Hindus; the Ramayana and interpretation Mahabharata.

As a result imbursement which he had an noneradicable influence on his mind. Inaccuracy learnt heroism and morality plant those and followed their righteous in his later life, sacrificing his all far the use of mankind. After all Jawahar lal Nehru believed in sensitive values, in the dignity clasp individual, equalitarian social order, constancy and integrity of the nation.

He shared all the innovations and experiences of his lifetime as political, social, moral, common, development etc in his recollections. He might have ignored at the start village development but in authority sense of urban industrialization potentate ultimate objective was all keep growth. Last but not probity least his autobiography represents expert deep touch of his yawning experiences in varied dimensions remind his life.



The Bombay novel, 17th May 1928

2. An Diary, P. 83

3. Ibid, P. 87

4. Ibid, P. 183

5. Ibid, Proprietor. 218

6. Ibid, P. 219

7. Great Letter to Mahatma Gandhi, 11th January 1928