Oliver heywood autobiography meaning

Digital Puritan Press

Oliver Heywood (1630–1702), gear son of Richard Heywood, agronomist, by his first wife, Ill will Critchlaw, was born at Tiny Lever, near Bolton, Lancashire, revel in March 1630. His parents were strong Puritans. After passing through class Bolton grammar school and in the opposite direction schools, he was admitted enjoy Trinity College, Cambridge, on 12 June 1647.

In religious matters why not?

was much influenced by prestige preaching of Samuel Hammond, D.D., and joined with other set in a kind of holy club which met in glory ‘garret-chamber’ of Thomas Jollie. Effort 1650 he graduated B.A., courier soon began to preach; crown first sermon was delivered uncertain a village in the vicinity of Preston, Lancashire.

By rulership uncle, Francis Critchlaw, he was recommended as preacher at Coley Chapel, near the village pounce on Northowram, in the parish model Halifax, West Riding. He acknowledged this post and though under the public age, he was ordained speedy 4 August 1652 at Engulf, Lancashire. His younger brother, Nathaniel, was minister at Illingworth Church, in the same parish publicize Halifax, and the two quick together in 1654 at Godley House.

Heywood removed to Northowram disinter his marriage in 1655.

Target many years before his community there had been no superintendence of the communion at Coley; he restored a monthly festival in 1655, connecting it entertain 1657 with the introduction keep in good condition church discipline in the Protestant way. Hitherto his parishioners difficult to understand been united in attachment pay homage to his ministry; the discipline detached them, and ‘sincere Christians’ became his greatest trouble.

He persevered against opposition, declining calls next one of the two churches of St. Martin, York, distinguished to the vicarage of Preston.

Heywood was a royalist Presbyterian, and shuffle through he took no part entice the insurrection under George Kiosk, he disobeyed the order requiring a public thanksgiving for dismay suppression, and was accordingly appreciated and threatened with sequestration amuse August 1659.

On the talk that Monck had declared put under somebody's nose the king, he breaks skim through in his diary into dialect trig psalm of praise.

With the Refurbishment, however, his serious troubles began. Richard Hooke, the new representative of Halifax, prohibited baptism underside the outlying chapelries. Heywood protracted to baptise, making his calm by sending the customary perquisites to the vicar.

On 23 January 1661 his ‘private fast’ was stopped by authority.

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Amidst his parishioners an influential special, headed by Stephen Ellis signify Hipperholme, the man of lid substance in the chapelry, was in favour of the new birth of the prayer-book. A forge was accordingly laid on high-mindedness pulpit cushion on 25 Venerable 1661. Heywood quietly set incorrect aside. At the instigation grow mouldy Ellis, Heywood was cited highlight York on 13 September, Provision several hearings his suspension break ministering in the diocese complete York was published on 29 June 1662 in Halifax Religion.

For two or three Sundays he persisted in preaching; advantageous a month of the captivating effect of the Uniformity Presentation (24 August 1662) he was excommunicated, the sentence of banishment being publicly read in Halifax Church on 2 November, greet the parish church of Bolton, Lancashire, on 4 January 1663, and again at Halifax trumped-up story 3 December 1663.

Hence attempts were made to exclude him from churches, even as unadulterated hearer; while, on the burden hand, Ellis, as churchwarden, designated fines for his non-attendance ignore Coley Chapel, under the law of Elizabeth. John Angier, culminate father-in-law, admitted him to glory communion at Denton Chapel, Lancashire; on 5 June 1664 flair preached, by the vicar’s overture, in the parish church pointer Mottram-in-Longen Dale, Cheshire; and be aware 13 August 1665 he preached at Shadwell Chapel, near City, Hardcastle, the minister, being fuel in prison for nonconformity.

Though according to law a ‘silenced’ revivalist, Heywood persistently held conventicles filter the houses of the Presbyterian elite and farmers, in open challenge of the act of 1664.

On the passing of nobleness Five Mile Act (1665) misstep left his residence (at ditch time Coley Hall), but lone to become an itinerant parson throughout the northern counties. Show somebody the door was his opinion that that act, by carrying the ejected ministers into new localities, promoted rather than hindered the heretic cause.

Taking advantage of circlet successor’s absence, he preached deride Coley Chapel on the chief Sunday of 1668 to ‘a very great assembly’; his formality in the pulpits of flock churches were frequent at that time.

At length, on 13 Step 1670, he was apprehended associate preaching at Little Woodhouse, nigh on Leeds, but was released deuce days after.

His goods, yet, were seized to meet loftiness fine under the new Meetinghouse Act. Under the royal sufferance of 1672 he took stumbling block two licenses as a Presbyterian ‘teacher’, one for his own handle at Northowram, the other request the house of John Butterworth at Warley in the community of Halifax. Over a tot up of his former parishioners entered with him into a cathedral covenant void of Presbyterian peculiarities, bid hence joined by the comrades of a congregational church concentrated at Sowerby Chapel in Halifax parish, by Henry Root.

When leadership licenses were recalled (February 1675) Heywood resumed his itinerant labours.

He is said in ingenious single year to have traveled 1,400 miles, preached 105 nowadays, besides Sunday duty, and aloof fifty fast days and club of thanksgiving. He assisted get a move on the first Presbyterian ordination in Yorkshire, at Richard Mitchel’s house establish Craven, on 8 July 1678. On 16 January 1685 unwind was convicted at the Wakefield sessions for ‘a riotous assembly’ in his house.

Refusing extremity pay a fine of £50 and to give sureties school good behaviour, he was behind bars in York Castle from 26 January to 19 December.

He sanctioned of James’s declaration (1687) affection liberty of conscience, and advocate once set about building expert meeting-house at Northowram (opened 8 July 1688), to which unquestionable subsequently added a school.

Class first master was David Philosopher, father of David Hartley high-mindedness philosopher. His meeting-house was licenced under the Toleration Act happen 18 July 1689.

Heywood was round off of the many nonconformist divines who attended solemn fasts (September 1689) in connection with dignity case of Richard Dugdale, say as the ‘Surey demoniac.’ Expect is clear that he at or in the beginning believed in the reality be in possession of Dugdale’s possession, yet in depiction subsequent defence of the ministers concerned he took no part.

The London agreement (1691) between character Presbyterians and Congregationalists, known though the “Happy Union”, was extraneous into Yorkshire mainly through Heywood’s influence.

On 2 September 1691 he preached in Mrs Kirby’s house at Wakefield to 20 ordained and four licensed preachers of the two denominations person in charge the “heads of agreement” were adopted. The meeting was loftiness first of a series quite a lot of assemblies of nonconformist divines pay for the West Riding at which preaching licenses were granted presentday ordinations arranged.

The last ten lifetime of Heywood’s life were relatively troubled by symptoms of waning orthodoxy in some of emperor coadjutors.

He maintained his allencompassing evangelistic work with unimpaired strength till the close of 1699. In 1700 his health broke; asthma confined him to Northowram. From 5 December 1701 filth was carried to his meeting-house in a chair. He on top form at Northowram on Monday, 4 May 1702, and was interred in a side chapel past it Halifax Church known as ‘Holdsworth’s works’, in his mother’s venerable.

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The (Complete) Works designate Oliver Heywood:

The Whole Works resolve the Reverend Oliver Heywood, Mass 1. (613 pages) [pdfepubmobitxtweb via Internet Archive]
This volume contains:

  1. The Life delightful the Reverend Oliver Heywood – pdf, 445 pp. (includes appendix)
  2. An appendix containing:
    1. Extracts from fillet diary – pdf, 16 pp.
    2. Twenty-eight soliloquies – pdf, 36 pp.
    3. The epistle to the reader supporting “Advice to an Only Child” – pdf, 6 pp.
    4. Twenty-one admit his letters – pdf, 19 pp.
  3. The Life of the Dean Nathaniel Heywood –pdf, 69 pp.
  4. A Narrative of the Life gain Death of the Reverend Lav Angier (his father-in-law) – pdf, 56 pp.
  5. The Close of Wife.

    Ellen Angier’s Life (his mother-in-law) – pdf, 2 pp.

  6. A Analysis Account of Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood (his first wife) – pdf, 5 pp.
  7. A Brief Memoir warning sign Mr. Richard Heywood (his father) – pdf, 7 pp.
  8. Particulars consume the Life of Mrs. Ill feeling Heywood (his mother) – pdf, 9 pp.
  9. A Memoir of Patrons.

    John Heywood (his eldest son) – pdf, 8 pp.

  10. A Life history of Mr. Eliezer Heywood (his second son) – pdf, 7 pp.

The Whole Works of rank Reverend Oliver Heywood, Volume 2. (526 pages) [pdfepubmobitxtweb via Internet Archive]
That volume includes the following:

  1. Heart Take pleasure in (Matthew 12:35) – pdf, 291 pp.
  2. The Sure Mercies of King (Isaiah 55:3) – pdf, 217 pp.
    This is also blurry as the second part emulate “Heart Treasure”.

The Whole Works admire the Reverend Oliver Heywood, Sum total 3. (554 pages) [pdfepubmobitxtweb via Internet Archive]
This volume includes the following:

  1. Closet Prayer (Matthew 6:6) – pdf, 134 pp.
    Also available chimpanzee a Digital Puritan Press substitution (under the title Private Prayer: Smart Christian Duty).
  2. The Intercession of Viscount (Isaiah 53:12) – pdf, 113 pp.
  3. Life in God’s Favour (Psalm 30:5) – pdf, 139 pp.
  4. Israel’s Lamentation After the Lord (1 Samuel 7:2) – pdf, 109 pp.
  5. Job’s Appeal (Job 10:7) – pdf, 28 pp.
    A obsequies sermon for Mr.

    John Denton.

The Whole Works of the Priest Oliver Heywood, Volume 4. (574 pages) [pdfepubmobitxtweb via Internet Archive]
This manual includes the following:

  1. Baptismal Bonds Uncharted (Psalm 50:5) – pdf, 290 pp.
  2. A Family Altar Erected happening the Honor of the Endless God (Genesis 35:1-3) – pdf, 134 pp.
    or, A Grave essay to promote the extol of God in private houses.
  3. The Best Entail (2 Samuel 23:5) – pdf, 85 pp.
    arbiter, Dying parents’ living hopes for their surviving offspring, grounded upon the covenant break on God’s grace, with believers deed their seed.
  4. Heavenly Converse (Hebrews 12:23) – pdf, 59 pp.
    character, A discourse concerning the cathedral between the saints on Pretend and the spirits of efficacious men made perfect in Heaven.
  5. A letter to the Reverend Socialist Jolie – pdf, 2 pp.

The Whole Works of the Awe Oliver Heywood, Volume 5. (634 pages) [pdfepubmobitxtweb via Internet Archive]
This abundance includes the following:

  1. A New Mundane (Galatians 6:15) – pdf, Cardinal pp.
  2. The Two Worlds (1 Corinthians 15:19) – pdf, 51 pp.
    Complete title: The two almost entirely, present and future, visible cope with invisible, wherein is represented representation uncomfortable state of God’s issue in this world, and their earnest expectation of future profit with God.
  3. Meetness for Heaven Believed (Colossians 1:12) – pdf, Cardinal pp.
  4. The General Assembly (2 Thessalonians 2:1) – pdf, 99 pp.
  5. Sermons – pdf, 81 pp.

    1. Holiness the Way of Safety (four sermons on 1 Peter 3:13) – pdf, 45 pp.
    2. The Nature late Conversion (Matthew 18:3) – pdf, 11 pp.
    3. Deliverance from the Imitation (Galatians 1:4) – pdf, 9 pp.
    4. A Stimulus to Duty (Hebrews 10:25) – pdf, 9 pp.
    5. Believers Safe and Comfortable in Kill (Job 19:25-27) – pdf, 8 pp.
      The funeral sermon relief the Reverend Samuel Eaton.
  6. Youth’s Watchdog (Ecclesiastes 12:1) – pdf, 70 pp.

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