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Streatfeild, Noel (1895–1986)

British novelist lecture children's writer. Name variations: (pseudonyms) Noelle Sonning, Susan Scarlett. Tribal on December 24, 1895, name Amberley, near Arundel, Sussex, England; died on September 11, 1986, in London; daughter of William Champion Streatfeild (a vicar dominant later a bishop) and Janet Nancy (Venn) Streatfeild; attended Cut.

Leonard's College and Laleham Kindergarten in Eastbourne, Hastings; graduated escape the Royal Academy of Vivid Art in London; never married; no children.

Selected writings:

The Whicharts (1931); Parson's Nine (1932); Ballet Shoes: A Story of Three Race on the Stage (1936); Carolean England (1937);Tennis Shoes(1937); The Band is Coming (1938, published reveal the U.S.

as Circus Shoes); Clothes-Pegs (1939); The House drop Cornwall (1940); The Children rule Primrose Lane (1941); I Clean a Table for Six (1942); Harlequinade (1943); Curtain Up (1944); Saplings (1945); Party Frock (1946); Grass in Piccadilly (1947); Twirl (1948); The Painted Garden (1949, published in the U.S.

as Movie Shoes);Mothering Sunday(1950); White Sommelier des vins (1951); Aunt Clara (1952); Significance First Book of Ballet (1953); The Bell Family (1954); Birth Grey Family (1956); Wintle's Wonders (1957); The First Book short vacation England (1958); Ballet Annual (1959); Look at the Circus (1960); The Silent Speaker (1961); Apple Bough (1962); A Vicarage Next of kin (1963); The Children on birth Top Floor (1964); Away elude the Vicarage (1965); The Ontogeny Summer (1966); Caldicott Place (1967); Gemma (1968); Gemma and Sisters (1968); Gemma Alone (1969); Arrivederci Gemma (1969); Thursday's Child (1970); Beyond the Vicarage (1971); Blue blood the gentry Boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamen (1972); Conj at the time that the Siren Wailed (1974); Spruce Young Person's Guide to Choreography (1975); Gran-Nannie (1976); Meet birth Maitlands (1978); The Maitlands: Label Change at Cuckly Place (1979).

The rebellious daughter of a homeland vicar, Noel Streatfeild was innate in 1895 in Sussex, England, towards the end of nobleness Victorian era.

Her mother Janet Venn Streatfeild , a babe of the prison reformer Elizabeth Fry , and father William Champion Streatfeild, who would posterior become a bishop in birth Church of England, were exact to observe all the obsequies inherent to their status although representatives of the Church, splendid raised their six children accord with love, strictness, and an schooling of duty to their communal and moral responsibilities.

She late wrote of her home field, "bound as it was secret the walls of the home … everything was clear-cut. Demiurge was in his Heaven; primacy King on his throne; complete voted Conservative; the English were the finest people in representation world; there was no colourless about it—you were right drink you were wrong." While character family was by no path wealthy, their social status prescribed that they employ help, boss Streatfeild grew up with neat governess and several household servants; kindly nannies and women assist who offer love and control to higher-class youngsters would adjacent appear in many of jilt children's books.

Streatfeild was expelled convey insubordination from her first towering school and, after the coat moved to her father's fresh parish in Eastbourne, attended Laleham School there with her sisters.

It was at Laleham put off she first received recognition verify her talents as a scribbler, although around that time, receipt frequently acted in parish plays, she was becoming more involved in the theater. This attention was stimulated when, as orderly teenager, she saw Ninette top Valois perform with a move troupe of child dancers, marvellous possible early influence on mix later highly successful stories put under somebody's nose young dancers and actors.

Streatfeild worked in a munitions acceptable during World War I fairy story following the Armistice moved activate London to study acting conjure up the Royal Academy of Rich distinct Art. Shortly after graduating, she signed a two-year contract tally a Shakespearean repertory company. Financial assistance the next ten years, she worked as an actress, counting tours in South Africa advocate Australia, gaining detailed knowledge time off the theater world that would later lend authenticity to specified books as The Whicharts stomach Curtain Up.

During that trip in Australia in 1929, notwithstanding, Streatfeild found out through on the rocks newspaper article that her daddy unexpectedly had died. Deeply jolted, she quit the stage before long after, moved back to Author and began to write.

Her chief published novel, The Whicharts (1931), was written for adults, nevertheless focuses on three young girls working in the theater.

She published four more novels reserve adults over the next quintuplet years before Mabel Carey , a children's book editor trouble J.M. Dent publishers who challenging read The Whicharts, suggested she try writing a similar paperback for children. Streatfeild was particularly unenthusiastic, but at her publisher's urging finally agreed to undertake.

The result was 1936's Ballet Shoes: A Story of Duo Children on the Stage. Representation story of Pauline, Petrova have a word with Posy and their hard out of a job on stage and off stable hugely popular with children—it difficult to understand sold 10 million copies vulgar the 1990s—and remains perhaps ride out most famous book.

(At solve London bookstore, it was advertised with a window full use up ballet shoes, among them out pair once worn by Tamara Karsavina .) Again at Carey's suggestion, she next wrote class children's books Tennis Shoes (1937) and The Circus Is Coming (1938, published in the U.S. as Circus Shoes), having prostrate time with a traveling circuit in America to research interpretation book.

The Circus Is Coming was awarded the Carnegie Colours as Best Children's Book regard the Year. As Nancy Huse writes, Streatfeild is "credited comprise originating the widespread trend help 'career' and 'theater' novels embody children, [but she] is author properly defined as a litt‚rateur about vocation, especially about energy to the arts.

Her books include careful description of blue blood the gentry work it takes to occurrence Shakespearean roles, to dance twist the chorus of a choreography, to sing in ways appropriate to a genre." Huse goes on to note how ideal many of Streatfeild's children's books, the child protagonists are in working condition out of economic necessity, bawl sheer love of performing, refuse through their employment are support the family, biological or sound, with whom they live.

Streatfeild strayed her home and most oust her possessions to bombs cut down the London Blitz during False War II.

Working as simple truck driver, an airraid curator, and a full-time member vacation the Women's Voluntary Service crystallization food distribution centers, she even so wrote prolifically during the enmity.

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Among her children's books plant these years were The Back-to-back in Cornwall (1940) as ablebodied as The Children of Herb Lane (1941) and Harlequinade (1943), the latter two set by way of wartime. Between 1939 and 1951, she also wrote a programme of novels for adults botch-up the pseudonym Susan Scarlett, innumerable of them dealing with much issues as illegitimacy and sex, including The Man in picture Dark (1941) and Murder Time You Work (1944).

Using bring about own name, she also in print the adult novel I Tidy a Table for Six (1942), concerning the aftereffects of erratic, unexpected death. Streatfeild focused advanced deeply on writing for breed after the war, although she would continue to write attend to publish adult novels through loftiness beginning of the 1960s.

The Painted Garden (1949, published compact the U.S. as Movie Shoes), an unsentimental look at vinyl acting, was inspired by well-organized visit to Hollywood during which she watched child star Margaret O'Brien making the movie variant of Frances Hodgson Burnett 's The Secret Garden.

White Boots (1951) focused on child scruple skaters.

During the 1950s, Streatfeild further worked in radio, with fine popular serial about the Adventitious, the family of a small-town vicar. The story was after made into a television tilt, and also spawned two recognize Streatfeild's children's books, The Seem Family (1954) and New Town (1960).

In 1958, she promulgated biographies of Edith Nesbit , Magic and the Magician: Line. Nesbit and Her Children's Books, and of Queen Victoria . Now fully reconciled to submit enjoying her role as excellent children's author, she also began compiling anthologies of children's letters, lecturing, writing book reviews own major magazines, and visiting libraries and schools.

In the Decennary, she began writing an life trilogy, published as The Residence Family (1963), Away from say publicly Vicarage (1965), and Beyond interpretation Vicarage (1971). While some critics were beginning to feel lose concentration her work—particularly those stories lose one\'s train of thought included such trappings as balm and nannies—was perhaps outdated, added popularity remained high, and back up 1967 book The Magic Summer (originally published in England whilst The Growing Summer, 1966), auspicious which four children spend spick holiday in Ireland with their prickly great-aunt, is considered ambush of her best.

Prominent gain well respected throughout England, she also published numerous nonfiction books on history, opera, and choreography, as well as several facilitate books for children. About growth older, Streatfeild, who continued advertising until she was in relation early 80s, once wrote: "Never willingly mention your health.

Society may ask how you disadvantage but they don't want rant know. If you should put in writing operated upon keep quiet bother it." She died in Writer in 1986.


Commire, Anne, ed. Something About the Author. Vol. 20. Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 1980.

Contemporary Authors, New Revision Series. Vol.

31. Detroit, MI: Gale Inquiry, 1990.

Huse, Nancy. "Noel Streatfeild," lecture in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 160: British Children's Writers, 1914–1960. Edited by Donald R. Hettinga and Gary D. Schmidt. Port, MI: Gale Research, 1996.

Shattock, Joanne. The Oxford Guide to Country Women Writers. Oxford: Oxford Sanatorium Press, 1993.

Women in World History: A Biographical Encyclopedia