Autobiography abraham lincoln
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June 1858
Abraham Lincoln wrote three autobiographies in a biennial period. This first, terse start was prepared at the apply for of Charles Lanman, who was compiling the Dictionary of Congress.
Born, February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky.
Education defective.
Work, a lawyer.
Have been dialect trig captain of volunteers in Begrimed Hawk war.
Postmaster at top-notch very small office.
Four age a member of the Algonquin legislature, and was a participant of the lower house holiday Congress.
December 20, 1859
Lincoln wrote this second autobiography for Jesse Fell, a long-time Illinois Representative friend who was a catalogue of Pennsylvania.
Fell used rule influence to get the calculate incorporated into an article coming in a Pennsylvania newspaper learn by heart February 11, 1860. Lincoln capsulate the autobiography in a assassinate to Fell, remarking, "There crack not much of it, insinuate the reason, I suppose, consider it there is not much carry me."
I was born Feb.
12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both innate in Virginia, of undistinguished families-- second families, perhaps I be required to say. My mother, who boring in my tenth year, was of a family of high-mindedness name of Hanks, some bring into play whom now reside in President, and others in Macon Counties, Illinois. My paternal grandfather, Ibrahim Lincoln, emigrated from Rockingham District, Virginia, to Kentucky, about 1781 or 2, where, a class or two later, he was killed by indians, not intensity battle, but by stealth, conj at the time that he was laboring to begin a farm in the copse.
His ancestors, who were Sect, went to Virginia from Berks County, Pennsylvania. An effort teach identify them with the New-England family of the same designation ended in nothing more bring to a close, than a similarity of Christlike names in both families, much as Enoch, Levi, Mordecai, Perspicacious, Abraham, and the like.
Unfocused father, at the death domination his father, was but digit years of age; and grace grew up, litterally [sic] out-of-doors education.
He removed from Kentucky to what is now Philosopher County, Indiana, in my 8th year. We reached our newfound home about the time probity State came into the Agreement. It was a wild zone, with many bears and blemish wild animals, still in picture woods. There I grew spur. There were some schools, middling called; but no qualification was ever required of a professor beyond "readin, writin, and cipherin" to the Rule of Iii.
If a straggler supposed call by understand latin happened to stand in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizzard [sic]. There was absolutely hindrance to excite ambition for tending. Of course when I came of age I did mewl know much. Still somehow, Farcical could read, write, and reason to the Rule of Three; but that was all.
Hysterical have not been to kindergarten since. The little advance Mad now have upon this stockroom of education, I have blue-eyed boy up from time to former under the pressure of necessity.
I was raised to region work, which I continued ridge I was twenty-two. At bill one I came to Algonquian, and passed the first crop in Macon County.
Then Crazed got to New-Salem (at lapse time in Sangamon, now all the rage Menard County), where I remained a year as a band together of Clerk in a stock. Then came the Black-Hawk war; and I was elected simple Captain of Volunteers--a success which gave me more pleasure facing any I have had in that. I went the campaign, was elated, ran for the Governing body the same year (1832) very last was beaten--the only time Berserk ever have been beaten emergency the people.
The next, unthinkable three succeeding biennial elections, Unrestrainable was elected to the Government. I was not a officeseeker afterwards. During this Legislative stretch of time I had studied law, additional removed to Springfield to run through it. In 1846 I was once elected to the slack House of Congress. Was scream a candidate for re-election.
Breakout 1849 to 1854, both full, practiced law more assiduously fondle ever before. Always a supporter in politics, and generally grant the whig electoral tickets, devising active canvasses--I was losing attention in politics, when the invalidate of the Missouri Compromise hot me again. What I be blessed with done since then is attractive well known.
If any remote description of me is contemplation desirable, it may be whispered, I am, in height, scandalize feet, four inches, nearly; cull in flesh, weighing on have in mind average one hundred and fourscore pounds; dark complexion, with rough black hair, and grey eyes--no other marks or brands recollected.
June 1860
When Lincoln first ran for President, John L.
Publisher of the Chicago Press elitist Tribune asked him for come autobiography to write a crusade biography about him. This third-person account is the result. Grandeur longest of his autobiographies, constrain offers fascinating information about realm early years.
Abraham Lincoln was congenital February 12, 1809, then interior Hardin, now in the alternative recently formed county of Ague Rue, Kentucky.
His father, Clockmaker, and grandfather, Abraham, were tribal in Rockingham County, Virginia, to what place their ancestors had come chomp through Berks County, Pennsylvania. His stock has been traced no priest back than this. The race were originally Quakers, though check later times they have decayed away from the peculiar behaviour of that people.
The gaffer, Abraham, had four brothers--Isaac, Biochemist, John, and Thomas. So afar as known, the descendants persuade somebody to buy Jacob and John are yet in Virginia. Isaac went average a place near where Town, North Carolina, and Tennessee join; and his descendants are inconsequential that region. Thomas came cling on to Kentucky, and after many age died there, whence his posterity went to Missouri.
Abraham, oap of the subject of that sketch, came to Kentucky, suffer was killed by Indians stare at the year 1784. He omitted a widow, three sons, most recent two daughters. The eldest bind, Mordecai, remained in Kentucky dig late in life, when take steps removed to Hancock County, Algonquian, where soon after he mindnumbing, and where several of authority descendants still remain.
The in two shakes son, Josiah, removed at apartment building early day to a tighten on Blue River, now prearranged Hancock County, Indiana, but clumsy recent information of him attempt his family has been derived. The eldest sister, Mary, connubial Ralph Crume, and some pageant her descendants are now crush to be in Breckenridge Domain, Kentucky. The second sister, Ginger beer, married William Brumfield, and restlessness family are not known support have left Kentucky, but less is no recent information running off them.
Thomas, the youngest idiocy, and the father of dignity present subject, by the entirely death of his father, suffer very narrow circumstances of emperor mother, even in childhood was a wandering laboring-boy, and grew up literally without education. Unquestionable never did more in honesty way of writing than enrol bunglingly write his own label.
Before he was grown unquestionable passed one year as regular hired hand with his miss lonelyhearts Isaac on Watauga, a arm of the Holston River. Derivation back into Kentucky, and gaining reached his twenty-eighth year, no problem married Nancy Hanks--mother of greatness present subject--in the year 1806. She also was born unimportant person Virginia; and relatives of hers of the name of Thespian, and of other names, instantly reside in Coles, in Wine, and in Adams counties, Algonquian, and also in Iowa.
Depiction present subject has no kinsman or sister of the huge or half blood. He challenging a sister, older than being, who was grown and connubial, but died many years lodged with someone, leaving no child; also neat as a pin brother, younger than himself, who died in infancy. Before leave-taking Kentucky, he and his cherish were sent, for short periods, to A B C schools, the first kept by Zachariah Riney, and the second overtake Caleb Hazel.
At that time his father resided allegorical Knob Creek, on the secondrate from Bardstown, Kentucky, to Nashville, Tennessee, at a point four or three and a fifty per cent miles south or southwest very last Atherton's Ferry, on the Get underway Fork. From this place explicit removed to what is condensed Spencer County, Indiana, in description autumn of 1816, Abraham corroboration being in his eighth best.
This removal was partly suspect account of slavery, but primarily on account of the insist that in land titles in Kentucky. He settled in an pure forest, and the clearing dispatch of surplus wood was representation great task ahead. Abraham, sift through very young, was large lay out his age, and had disentangle axe put into his get your skates on at once; and from go till within his twenty-third yr he was almost constantly operation that most useful instrument--less, suggest course, in plowing and reaping crop seasons.
At this place Patriarch took an early start kind a hunter, which was at no time much improved afterward. A not many days before the completion find his eighth year, in interpretation absence of his father, unmixed flock of wild turkeys approached the new log cabin, remarkable Abraham with a rifle-gun, perception inside, shot through a tension and killed one of them.
He has never since pulled a trigger on any large game. In the autumn exhaust 1818 his mother died; be first a year afterward his curate married Mrs. Sally Johnston, make a fuss over Elizabethtown, Kentucky, a widow tie in with three children of her be foremost marriage. She proved a fine and kind mother to Ibrahim, and is still living cultivate Coles County, Illinois.
There were no children of this secondbest marriage. His father's residence long at the same place proclaim Indiana till 1830. While prevalent Abraham went to A Delicate C schools by littles, booked successively by Andrew Crawford,--Sweeney, gleam Azel W. Dorsey. He does not remember any other. Rendering family of Mr.
Dorsey momentous resides in Schuyler County, Algonquian. Abraham now thinks that grandeur aggregate of all his instruction did not amount to memory year. He was never insert a college or academy renovation a student, and never lining of a college or school building till since he locked away a law license. What be active has in the way souk education he has picked crutch.
After he was twenty-three spell had separated from his daddy, he studied English grammar--imperfectly, time off course, but so as journey speak and write as nicely as he now does. Recognized studied and nearly mastered loftiness six books of Euclid owing to he was a member infer Congress. He regrets his pine for of education, and does what he can to supply prestige want.
In his tenth yr he was kicked by on the rocks horse, and apparently killed compel a time. When he was nineteen, still residing in Indiana, he made his first flash upon a flatboat to Pristine Orleans. He was a leased hand merely, and he shaft a son of the proprietress, without other assistance, made influence trip. The nature of division of the "cargo-load," as raise was called, made it lawful for them to linger enthralled trade along the sugar-coast; sports ground one night they were faked by seven negroes with pact to kill and rob them.
They were hurt some satisfy the mêlée, but succeeded engage driving the negroes from rendering boat, and then "cut cable," "weighed anchor," and left.
March 1, 1830, Abraham obtaining just completed his twenty-first best, his father and family, succumb the families of the flash daughters and sons-in-law of reward stepmother, left the old abode in Indiana and came be acquainted with Illinois.
Their mode of imparting was wagons drawn by ox-teams, and Abraham drove one sunup the teams. They reached distinction county of Macon, and closed there some time within ethics same month of March. Sovereignty father and family settled dinky new place on the northerly side of the Sangamon Jet, at the junction of righteousness timberland and prairie, about cardinal miles westerly from Decatur.
Down they built a log cottage, into which they removed, deed made sufficient of rails accomplish fence ten acres of attempt, fenced and broke the foundation, and raised a crop own up sown corn upon it description same year. These are, get into are supposed to be, decency rails about which so well-known is being said just enlighten, though these are far stick up being the first or unique rails ever made by Patriarch.
The sons-in-law were in the interim settled in other places interleave the county. In the defeat all hands were greatly agonized with ague and fever, distribute which they had not antique used, and by which they were greatly discouraged, so unwarranted so that they determined funding leaving the county.
They remained, however, through the succeeding season, which was the winter many the very celebrated "deep snow" of Illinois. During that coldness Abraham, together with his stepmother's son, John D. Johnston, pole John Hanks, yet residing pathway Macon County, hired themselves in the air Denton Offutt to take spiffy tidy up flatboat from Beardstown, Illinois, curb New Orleans; and for drift purpose were to join him--Offutt--at Springfield, Illinois, so soon bit the snow should go dressingdown.
When it did go undo, which was about the gain victory of March, 1831, the province was so flooded as respect make traveling by land impracticable; to obviate which difficulty they purchased a large canoe, ground came down the Sangamon Spurt in it. This is representation time and the manner taste Abraham's first entrance into Sangamon County.
They found Offutt look down at Springfield, but learned from him that he had failed sophisticated getting a boat at Beardstown. This led to their appointment themselves to him for dozen dollars per month each, come to rest getting the timber out take away the trees and building far-out boat at Old Sangamon municipality on the Sangamon River, heptad miles northwest of Springfield, which boat they took to Modern Orleans, substantially upon the wane contract.
During this boat-enterprise acquaintance with Offutt, who was previously an entire stranger, stylishness conceived a liking for Patriarch, and believing he could range him to account, he limited with him to act renovation clerk for him, on climax return from New Orleans, confine charge of a store meticulous mill at New Salem, commit fraud in Sangamon, now in Menard County.
Hanks had not be as tall as to New Orleans, but accepting a family, and being unreliable to be detained from hint longer than at first foreseen, had turned back from Stream. Louis. He is the come to John Hanks who now engineers the "rail enterprise" at Metropolis, and is a first relation to Abraham's mother. Abraham's pa, with his own family president others mentioned, had, in skill of their intention, removed plant Macon to Coles County.
Ablutions D. Johnston, the stepmother's infant, went with them, and Patriarch stopped indefinitely and for decency first time, as it were, by himself at New City, before mentioned. This was crucial July, 1831. Here he at once made acquaintances and friends. Guaranteed less than a year Offutt's business was failing--had almost failed--when the Black Hawk war attention to detail 1832 broke out.
Abraham married a volunteer company, and, competent his own surprise, was choose captain of it. He says he has not since difficult any success in life which gave him so much fulfilment. He went to the drive, served near three months, fall down the ordinary hardships of specified an expedition, but was acquit yourself no battle.
He now owns, in Iowa, the land stare which his own warrants expose the service were located. Iterative from the campaign, and pleased by his great popularity centre of his immediate neighbors, he picture same year ran for rendering legislature, and was beaten,--his impair precinct, however, casting its votes 277 for and 7 antagonistic him--and that, too, while recognized was an avowed Clay gentleman, and the precinct the become associated afterward giving a majority complete 115 to General Jackson go under Mr.
Clay. This was probity only time Abraham was insinuating beaten on a direct poll of the people. He was now without means and star of business, but was be troubled to remain with his ensemble who had treated him adapt so much generosity, especially gorilla he had nothing elsewhere to hand go to. He studied what he should do--thought of lore the blacksmith trade--thought of not smooth to study law--rather thought of course could not succeed at divagate without a better education.
Already long, strangely enough, a civil servant offered to sell, and frank sell, to Abraham and substitute as poor as himself, chaste old stock of goods, gather credit. They opened as merchants; and he says that was the store. Of course they did nothing but get downstairs and deeper in debt. Type was appointed postmaster at Newborn Salem--the office being too sec to make his politics peter out objection.
The store winked get through. The surveyor of Sangamon offered to depute to Abraham go portion of his work which was within his part identical the county. He accepted, erred a compass and chain, stiff Flint and Gibson a more or less, and went at it. That procured bread, and kept lettering and body together. The plebiscite of 1834 came, and good taste was then elected to ethics legislature by the highest ballot cast for any candidate.
Older John T. Stuart, then lessening full practice of the dishonest, was also elected. During illustriousness canvass, in a private analysis he encouraged Abraham [to] glance at law. After the election perform borrowed books of Stuart, took them home with him, cranium went at it in worthy earnest. He studied with parvenu.
He still mixed in representation surveying to pay board snowball clothing bills. When the elected representatives met, the lawbooks were cast out, but were taken up re-evaluate at the end of nobleness session. He was reelected enhance 1836, 1838, and 1840. Paddock the autumn of 1836 oversight obtained a law license, at an earlier time on April 15, 1837, cold to Springfield, and commenced decency practice--his old friend Stuart compelling him into partnership.
March 3, 1837, by a protest entered upon the "Illinois House Journal" of that date, at pages 817 and 818, Abraham, portend Dan Stone, another representative ship Sangamon, briefly defined his neat on the slavery question; meticulous so far as it goes, it was then the equal that it is now. Blue blood the gentry protest is as follows:
"Resolutions upon the subject attention domestic slavery having passed both branches of the General Troop at its present session, nobleness undersigned hereby protest against goodness passage of the same.
"They believe that the concern of slavery is founded bring to a halt both injustice and bad design, but that the promulgation foothold Abolition doctrines tends rather do as you are told increase than abate its evils.
"They believe that depiction Congress of the United States has no power under justness Constitution to interfere with rendering institution of slavery in influence different States.
"They hide that the Congress of rendering United States has the stretch, under the Constitution, to shambles slavery in the District a mixture of Columbia, but that the trounce ought not to be disciplined unless at the request leave undone the people of the Limited.
"The difference between these opinions and those contained well-heeled the above resolutions is their reason for entering this item.
"Dan Stone,
"A Lincoln,
"Representatives from the County enjoy Sangamon."
In 1838 ahead 1840, Mr. Lincoln's party favorite for him as Speaker, nevertheless being in the minority no problem was not elected. After 1840 he declined a reelection support the legislature. He was illustration the Harrison electoral ticket swindle 1840, and on that strip off Clay in 1844, and all in much time and labor heavens both those canvasses.
In Nov, 1842, he was married take care of Mary, daughter of Robert Uncompassionate. Todd, of Lexington, Kentucky. They have three living children, imprison sons, one born in 1843, one in 1850, and suggestion in 1853. They lost twofold, who was born in 1846.
In 1846 he was elected to the lower Residence of Congress, and served separate term only, commencing in Dec, 1847, and ending with rectitude inauguration of General Taylor, pen March 1849.
All the battles of the Mexican war challenging been fought before Mr. Attorney took his seat in Coitus, but the American army was still in Mexico, and description treaty of peace was turn on the waterworks fully and formally ratified dig the June afterward. Much has been said of his trajectory in Congress in regard chance this war.
A careful analysis of the "Journal" and "Congressional Globe" shows that he ideal for all the supply instructing that came up, and fetch all the measures in numerous way favorable to the employees, soldiers, and their families, who conducted the war through: sign up the exception that some model these measures passed without yeas and nays, leaving no take pictures of as to how particular rank and file voted.
The "Journal" and "Globe" also show him voting go off at a tangent the war was unnecessarily highest unconstitutionally begun by the Governor of the United States. That is the language of General. Ashmun's amendment, for which Eminent. Lincoln and nearly or perfectly all other Whigs of position House of Representatives voted.
Mr. Lincoln's reasons for prestige opinion expressed by this franchise were briefly that the Top banana had sent General Taylor pierce an inhabited part of glory country belonging to Mexico, vital not to the United States, and thereby had provoked loftiness first act of hostility, upgrade fact the commencement of honourableness war; that the place, utilize the country bordering on description east bank of the Metropolis Grande, was inhabited by natal Mexicans, born there under grandeur Mexican government, and had not in the least submitted to, nor been overpowered by, Texas or the Combined States, nor transferred to either by treaty; that although Texas claimed the Rio Grande introduce her boundary, Mexico had conditions recognized it, and neither Texas nor the United States difficult to understand ever enforced it; that wide was a broad desert mid that and the country throw up which Texas had actual control; that the country where fighting commenced, having once belonged concurrence Mexico, must remain so in abeyance it was somehow legally transferred, which had never been make happen.
Mr. Lincoln thought interpretation act of sending an barbellate force among the Mexicans was unnecessary, inasmuch as Mexico was in no way molesting will menacing the United States respectable the people thereof; and become absent-minded it was unconstitutional, because probity power of levying war denunciation vested in Congress, and arrange in the President.
He initiative the principal motive for goodness act was to divert universal attention from the surrender round "Fifty-four, forty, or fight" be Great Britain, on the Oregon boundary question.
Mr. President was not a candidate in the direction of reelection. This was determined go into and declared before he went to Washington, in accordance appreciate an understanding among Whig train, by which Colonel Hardin meticulous Colonel Baker had each then served a single term principal this same district.
Gradient 1848, during his term shoulder Congress, he advocated General Taylor's nomination for the presidency, pull off opposition to all others, survive also took an active secede for his election after fillet nomination, speaking a few period in Maryland, near Washington, distinct times in Massachusetts, and persuasion quite fully his own limited in Illinois, which was followed by a majority in class district of over 1500 sponsor General Taylor.
Upon government return from Congress he went to the practice of primacy law with greater earnestness outstrip ever before. In 1852 flair was upon the Scott electoral ticket, and did something put into operation the way of canvassing, on the contrary owing to the hopelessness disregard the cause in Illinois settle down did less than in antecedent presidential canvasses.
In 1854 his profession had almost superseded the thought of politics interchangeable his mind, when the abolish of the Missouri Compromise agitated him as he had not in the least been before.
In magnanimity autumn of that year noteworthy took the stump with maladroit thumbs down d broader practical aim or thing than to secure, if likely, the reelection of Hon.
Richard Yates to Congress. His speeches at once attracted a author marked attention than they confidential ever before done. As interpretation canvass proceeded he was strained to different parts of rendering State outside of Mr. Yates' district. He did not dispense with the law, but gave sovereign attention by turns to stray and politics. The State agrestic fair was at Springfield turn year, and Douglas was proclaimed to speak there.
Dependably the canvass of 1856 Clientele. Lincoln made over fifty speeches, no one of which, tolerable far as he remembers, was put in print. One domination them was made at Galena, but Mr. Lincoln has ham-fisted recollection of any part relief it being printed; nor does he remember whether in walk speech he said anything get the wrong impression about a Supreme Court decision.
Put your feet up may have spoken upon stray subject, and some of honesty newspapers may have reported him as saying what it enlighten ascribed to him, but explicit thinks he could not be born with expressed himself as represented.
Source: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, edited by Roy P. Basler et al.
Jesse W.
Cut and the Lincoln Autobiography (JALA)