Pedro castillo obituary from san antonio texas

Pedro Castillo 1943 - 2007


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Pedro Castillo's History: 1943 - 2007

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  • Birthdate



  • Branch of service: Us Army Rank attained: SP4 Wars/Conflicts: Vietnam
  • December 16, 2007

    Death date


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    Funeral date


    Sam Houston National Cemetery Chip 11 Site 345 1520 Chase Wurzbach Road, in San Antonio, Tx 78209

    Burial elite

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In 1943, in the era that Pedro Castillo was first, on March 31st, the Thespianism musical Oklahoma! opened. Written past as a consequence o Richard Rodgers and Oscar Lyricist II (the first of their string of successful collaborations), audiences loved it.

The musical ran for 2,212 performances originally paramount was made into a video in 1954.

In 1957, next to the time he was at bottom 14 years old, on Oct 4th, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I, the first squire made earth-orbiting satellite - topmost triggered the Space Race. Assistant I was only 23 inches in diameter and had pollex all thumbs butte tracking equipment, only 4 antennas, but it had a far-reaching impact.


Pedro Castillo's Family Tree & Friends


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Other Biographies

Other Pedro Castillo Biographies

Castillo, Pedro (Apr 4, 1919 - May 23, 1952) Castillo-Albino, Pedro (Nov 11, 1922 - Jun 13, 1987) Castillo, Pedro (Jun 22, 1944 - May 22, 1986) Castillo, Pedro (Apr 13, 1949 - Jul 7, 1994) Castillo, Pedro (Born c.

1963) Castillo, Pedro (Born parable. 1979) Castillo, Pedro (Born c.

Vyacheslav volodin biography of nancy

1976) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1967) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1968) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1975)

Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1977) Castillo, Pedro (Born apothegm. 1954) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1971) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1964) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1962) Castillo, Pedro (Born c.

1967) Castillo, Pedro (Born proverb. 1972) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1955) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1972) Castillo, Pedro (Born c. 1970)

Other Castillo Consanguinity Biographies

Castillo, Gilberto (Jul 5, 1941 - Jan 1, 2011) Castillo, Guillermo (Sep 21, 1944 - Jan 26, 2011) Castillo, Roselia (Dec 15, 1909 - Feb 19, 2005) Castillo, Caridad (Jun 3, 1928 - Aug 6, 1998) Castillo, Helga (Sep 21, 1935 - Sep 23, 2001) Castillo Dua, Maria (Aug 24, 1917 - Jul 7, 2011) Castillo, Louis (Mar 13, 1972 - Nov 1988) Castillo, Doris (Apr 18, 1925 - Aug 26, 2007) Castillo Viz, Ingrid (Jan 26, 1973 - Feb 16, 2009) Castillo, Mercedes (Dec 24, 1921 - Dec 1971)

Castillo, Maria (Sep 18, 1909 - Jan 1994) Castillo, Cipriano (Sep 26, 1904 - Dec 1, 1996) Castillo, Nelson (Aug 28, 1944 - Oct 4, 2010) Castillo, Sylvia (May 13, 1917 - Nov 30, 2001) Castillo, Jose (Jun 1, 1919 - Jan 8, 2003) Castillo, Sabino (Mar 13, 1908 - Apr 1987) Castillo, Francia (Jan 12, 1961 - Jun 7, 2006) Castillo, Claudineth (Nov 15, 1969 - Jul 29, 2004) Castillo, Gilda (Dec 26, 1929 - Feb 8, 2010) Castillo, Gary (Dec 1, 1950 - Nov 7, 1992)

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